Ant Fans Vs. Jim Fans

0  2014-01-16 by CUNTYMOM

Not blaming ant or jim, its just the super fans ruin it for everyone else. Who's worse?

Jim Fans-speaks like jim, worry about his career more than he does, usually fat/anti social/hate women, tries to do a norton joke and just sounds like a sociopath.

Ant Fans-speaks like ant, defends ant more then ant defends ant, tries t befriend ant with gun links on twitter, calls in to compound shows, buy live from the compound shirts, defends ants young girl obsession, usually fat/anti social/hate women, takes ants racism too seriously


You think they have it hard? Try defending Opie like i do on this subreddit.


Fuck Opie

check my posts, im always defending opie. people hate him because he's not funny but when was he ever funny? i feel like people hate on opie because he has a normal life and isnt EXTREME enough for them, a lot of people still think they are listening to the "Extreme Voltage" channel or whatever it was called in 2005.

shock jock days are over, they are 50y/o's just because they arnt talking about migets and "clams" and sticking things in girls clams doesnt mean its not good radio, seems a lot of listeners are emotionally retarded like ant and cant listen to anything real without making a joke.

You seem to equate dislike for Opie with unabashed love for Ant and/ or Jim. Not so. I'm also not sure the number of people who want Opie to be EXTREME is very high, either.

The many ways in which Opie sucks has been covered here and will continue to be covered. Why don't the number of Ant or Jim hate threads equal to the number that Opie generates? Because he sucks.

Ant and Jim have their cringe or rage inducing moments, but they balance it out with genuinely funny or substantial things. Opie never does. He is so much like Scott Shannon, it's ridiculous.

What do super fans ruin exactly? You sound like an angry drunk. I don't even know what your point was, other than you wanted to bash other fans based on what you think they're supposedly like.

And you know what I hate? Self-appointed fans like you who make it their duty to address "the fans", "the community", "this sub", etc. Look at your fucking Twitter. YOU'RE THE GUY YOU'RE COMPLAINING ABOUT, except you're apparently an Opie and Scorch superfan.

I think fans that write at an elementary school level are the worst.

Just like in any other aspect of life, those are just the "extremist" fans. I like Ant but I don't even have twitter, don't care about his LFTC show because it's boring, never bought a shirt about any show (let alone his), just think it is funny (and creepy) that he likes young girls, I'm in good shape, have a lot of friends, really love women, and I also think his racism is hilarious more than legitimate.

The fans you are pointing out are more towards the unemployed, obsessive spectrum of fans.


You forgot to say the word "cunt" in this post. What gives?

yeah but i think there is more extreme fans than the regular fan, i mean wait till the sea of black sabbath shirt wearing faggots and Guinness shirt wearing homos flood this place defending their "radio gawds"

yet if Jim or Ant showed up here to troll you would be sucking their cocks so hard it would be funny.

no not really, they are radio guys, they are only famous to us, we can already suck their cocks on twitter.

and like i said i dont blame ant or jim for being themselves, its the super fans im shitting on here.

"if you OWN a traveling virus t shirt, then your probably a fat fuck"-jeff foxworthy

Ha. That is a good point.

yeah you're so right. let's all wear shirts and ties and penny loafers so we can be "normal" men...

Can;t we hate them all equally?

OP put it perfectly when he said that when people do Jim jokes, they sound like sociopaths. It makes you realize how talented Jimmy is when he says all that crazy stuff in such a way that it comes across as silly and hilarious.

I remember when I was first listening to the show during high school and college and I would steal Jim's jokes to make myself seem funny and cool. Oh lord it hurts to think about how embarrassing that was in hindsight. Typing this even makes me sick. One time I was in class with this girl who was real loud and aggressive. I would usually just be silent and awkward around everyone, but that day I piped up with a few Jimmy lines like "shut up stupid" and "Ramone, tell this chick to (insert some retarded reference)". I'll never forget the look the cute girl next to me gave me after that. Oh god, why? If I could go back in time, I'd knock my own teeth out that day before I'd save myself from getting fired from a 6-figure dream job.

Can't we agree just to hate them all equally?