Anthony hell

15  2014-01-16 by Rugger5353

Bob Kelly and Opie talking about their kids is Anthonys version of hell. You can hear it in his voice. Hilarious


Listening to anyone talking about their kids is an horrendous experience.


I have no kids but bobby makes it hilarious. C'mon, talking about playing with your balls and then your kid licking it??

That was pretty funny but I tuned out when they were talking about it for what seemed like hours

C'mon bobby talking about home ownership was awesome

Real life scares the pock marked 52 y/o Peter Pan

Heh heh, I rememba when I used put you over my lap and spank ya... little Bennie never did grow up...

Did anyone notice Opie use Louie's "cleaning a baby vagina" bit word-for-word? He even made it sound like it was a spur of the moment comedic epiphany!


I can swear Opie used to complain about people who did just this. Wasn't Don Geronimo beaten into the ground for talking about his kid and wife? The hypocrisy pile keeps getting bigger and bigger. Just like how he complains about "me me me" people while being the worst one.

Don Geronimo (Don and Mike as a whole, really) was beaten into the ground for being a show without conflict, where everybody agrees with each other on everything. The O&A show has been that way for years now. I know shows grow and change and mellow over the years, but this fact has always annoyed me.

God forbid the host of the show talks about something that has dramatically changed his life. It was two breaks.

Well when you spend 10 years shitting on other hosts that do that and then suddenly it's different because it's you, well, makes you an asshole.

He's said more than a dozen times he turned into the asshole he used to bitch about.

Sometimes I feel like that show could sell you people magic beans.

Says Opies tits? Got it.

What does that even mean. Would you prefer my handle to be EdgarsDryTeeth? TssssssssssChippahDoubleGunz? How does attacking my username undermine what I say?

Yet continues to be the asshole he used to bitch about. Doesn't acknowledge it and let it go, keeps engaging in the behavior.

I don't remember him ever shit talking hosts that talk about their kids.

That was one of their things with Don and Mike how I think Don used to bring his wife and kid on air and constantly talk about his wife and kid.

Ok. I don't remember it but I believe you. I still thought the break was interesting. At least the break wasn't spent hitching about the media, PC shit, or the redskins name.

Yeah they used to mock them for doing this when they were on WNEW/WJFK probably around 2000/2001

BTW if you look at one of my other posts here I did say I enjoyed the segment also :)


Just saw you commented on that one never mind.

Then you must be right. I concede.

Nope you are correct they used to shit on D&M for Don talking about and brining his wife and kid on air all the time.


Its only been 20 years he should be exactly the same

Turned off upon hearing the phrase "nobody tells you this stuff!"

Also thanks for clarifying that wiping shit out of your infant daughter's vagina is "nothing sexual", Opie. Would have been confused otherwise.

I just had my first kid, less than 3 months ago. I've been curious about Bobby's take. I laughed harder at him talking about being a new dad, than I have at any of their other guests this year. I guess it helps if you can relate to the situation.

I got no kids and don't want any but I liked hearing Bob's take on being a father. Wouldn't want to hear about it everyday but it was his first time on the show since he had a kid what else are they going to talk about?

Yep. I enjoyed it too.

I think we need another show to let us listeners know that having kids will change our lives.

Should have queued up some Jazz music to play in the background.

After the birth of his son, Opie promised he wouldn't become "That guy", meaning a guy that talks about his kids on the radio. He has, however, become "That guy".



people act like opie and bob are losers because they are talking about their kids, and think a gun toting paranoid old man who fucks 17y/o's and drowns his sorrows is beer is a cool thing, all of you sound like teenagers.

I'm wasn't saying that there is anything wrong with what Bob and Opie were talking about. I have kids myself. I just thought it was funny how Ant was reacting. And as a dad of a Preteen daughter of sickens me that Ant is banging these young girls.

Well ensure you install her with self-esteem and self-worth so she won't be a gold-digging slut.

Says Opies tits? Got it.

Yep. I enjoyed it too.