I usually browse reddit on my phone...

0  2014-01-16 by bouras

I am now on a computer and I have to ask, is the sidebar picture photoshopped? Are those really his fake teeth? I understand the guy is almost 60 and wants to cling to his lost youth but this is hilarious.


Of course it's fake. C'mon, man.

You have to admit though, they look 10x better than his real teeth.


Nope, it's actually a real picture. Looks good, right?

No, see, I don't believe it's real. In fact, I'm rather sure it's fake!

Im confused, is it real or fake?

Are you serious?

Do you really think this is fake?

I ponder.

Clearly fake. But I was like you once, about 6 months ago when I discovered this subreddit. This clip should help you out.

What a great shot! I wonder if there was multiple shots. Do you mind if I post it in /r/videos? I have a feeling it could go viral.


50yo detected

Im confused, is it real or fake?

What a great shot! I wonder if there was multiple shots. Do you mind if I post it in /r/videos? I have a feeling it could go viral.