What's your idea for the new O&A shirt?

0  2014-01-15 by mr__hat

I know I have one. I wont share though because I already know it's a winner. You wont have a chance. Gonna win me some of that radio money.

But if you are not going to compete or you don't mind sharing your design; what's your idea?


Made with MS Paint because that's all it deserves.

Put a big picture of Jimmy in the center and have Opie & Anthony in tiny letters in the background.

White letters on White.

No colors.

Just the way Ant would like it.

Opie And Anthony: You won't get laid wearing this.

I'm sure they'll be just as visually stunning as Anthony's compound shirts. I've seen local tow truck businesses with superior design quality. That said, I think the shirts will say "Opie & Anthony" in Comic Sans. That's about the creativity and design level I'd expect.

I opened up a program to start one as I listened to that segment and when they mentioned all they wanted was the logo, I failed to see the point of the contest. Why not just put the logo on it with "20 years long, 20 years strong" under it at that point? Not much of a contest. There's only so much you can do with a font, unless they're asking for us to create a new logo for them.

Contest is for 2 shirts, one thats a simple a logo and one where they encouraged people to be more creative

Maybe a world tour like list of memorable moments on the back.. On the front, "twenty is too old... tss" so even though it'll say Opie and Anthony we can get jimmy on there

Opie & Anthony except instead of the & symbol have a design with the word JIM where the letters overlap to form something that almost looks like the & and it's hidden unless you really look at it. Either that or O n A and have orton in micro print after the n so that your sneaking him in.

Tsssssssssssssssss (thats it)