Jimmy is the last person I'd expect to defend Kanye. Anyone else find it odd a stand up comedian is calling for stricter "social penalties" for the things we say?

5  2014-01-15 by loonybinKKK

Hope nobody punches Jimmy after a show.


What Kanye did was awesome, and I hate Kanye.


Exactly. If Kanye's fans had done something to this guy it would be a different story. This was personal for Kanye, and any guy should defend his woman like that.

Some of you guys overanalyze everything everyone says. Jimmy defended a man who punched a guy for insulting his wife in a big way.

...You seriously can't differentiate between an entertainer or pundit expressing themselves either intellectually or humorously on stage, screen, or radio and a dick head personally fucking with someone's wife?

As Patrice used to say: "Good is good if it's good for me."

Jimmy can be a sanctimonious twat sometimes. Big game hunters are morally reprehensible assholes because he "can't understand why anyone would want to do that." However he can just shrug his own behavior off when he is trolling for hookers to pay for sex as "well I'm just a perv, what do ya want?" The money paid for the hunting certificate goes towards conservation of the species. The money that goes to the hooker often goes towards drugs or alcohol (which Jimmy is also against but eh, what do ya want?).

This is no different. Jimmy wants his own speech defended because that is how he makes his living. Anytime somebody in the public eye is under attack (either forced to apologize or fired) for something they said he and the boys jump to their defense and bash the media for not doing the same/ginning up phony outrage (in fact they also defended Paula Deen for saying nigger). However this kid on the street allegedly says "nigger" and gets punched and Jimmy thinks that is a suitable response. Apparently freedom of speech only matters when it is someone in the public eye. The consequence of being fired or being forced to apologize is unacceptable. The consequnce of violence is acceptable. (But let's not forget that Jimmy hates bullies who try to "alpha-male" him or act physical as he explained exhaustively after his incident with Jesse Ventura).

I like Norton's humor. I've laughed pretty hard sometimes when he starts riffing with his over the top heinous insults, but when he gets serious he just alienates me. As you say he views everything from the perspective of how it effects him (or would effect him) and him alone.

A good example is his opinion against anonymity on the internet. He has said that he's against it because of the people who troll him (his so-called "haters", the poor little victim!) on his twitter account. He has said that he believes in free speech but "with consequences". I can only imagine that he wants those who troll him to risk getting in trouble.

I find it very ironic that he is against anonymity when the trolls are directed at him, but when the trolls support him he doesn't mind anonymity at all. Case in point, he was on Pollack's podcast relating an incident where he was fighting with some blogger, and so his twitter followers jocktobered her blog page. Anonymously, of course. When she complained to him about it he simply told her "too bad, you put your opinion out in public and that's what you get." Why wasn't he complaining about his follower's anonymity then?

Another thing that alienates me about Norton is that he is not a very articulate person, and yet he claims that he is (he was talking about how he is able to deceive himself about his problems because he's "good with words"). Think of how he dealt with the big game hunter topic, descending into mocking the hunter using a retard voice, "Duuuh! I want to killllllllllll animaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllls! Duuuuuuh!" Very articulate, Jim. You really changed my mind on that issue.

At other times he'll try to explain how someone makes him feel and it just comes out as "He just makes me..... UGH!" "That guy is just...... Eeeeew!" etc. He's about as articulate as a 13 year old girl. It's very alienating to hear someone say self-congratulatory things and then clearly demonstrate over and over how wrong they are.

Like I keep saying, I do like the show and I do like Norton's humor, but he really needs to shut up and stick to shit jokes, because that's what he's actually good at. And if that makes him feel like a victim of "hatred" then all I can say is, "too bad, you put your opinion out in public and that's what you get."

your right jim is a maroon, plus he loves sticking up for black people and indians for some reason, him whining about how a white girl won a golden globe instead of the girl from 10 years of slave and "no wonder why people hate white people"

i honestly wouldnt mind if norton left the show, sure when he's funny he's great but lately all he does it bitch and always seems to be in a bitchy mood, fez has been more listenable lately.

The money paid for the hunting certificate goes towards conservation of the species.

If a big game hunter actually gave a shit about animal conservation he could, you know, just donate the money he could have spent towards a hunting license to conservation efforts. Jimmy's biggest beef with it is that the hunter is doing it for personal gratification, but hiding it behind the fact that he's actually doing something charitable because he doesn't have the balls to outright say "I'm paying money to kill this big game animal because I want to brag about it later". He's completely right, too, regardless of his position on other topics.

The hunter doesnt hide behind that. That is just the fact of the matter. I talk to a lot of people who hunt and they outright tell ya that they hunt because they like to hunt. It just so happens that the money winds up benefitting the conservation efforts, or in some cases the money goes towards a poor village or the animal itself has it's meat harvested and given to the villagers. This is why African countries let white men come over there and hunt. They need the money. I'm not saying that hunters are heroes by any means but just because you can't understand why somebody likes hunting doesn't mean you should shrug it off as "they are all douchebags." Hell, there are a good amount of people who join the military because they want to get into combat and kill some human beings. That might seem cruel at face value (and maybe it is) but it is a net positive to our country because we need people like this in times of war. The benefit makes the otherwise reprehensible act worth it.

I never hunted in my life but I could understand that some people might like to do it the same way some people like to fish and some people like to pay for sex.

Let me be clear: I'm not talking about domestic hunters that eat the animal afterwards. There's legitimate need for that, especially with deer overpopulation for example, and I don't begrudge the hunters for enjoying the thrill of the hunt. Bow hunters in particular get a lot of respect from me. I have less respect for hunters sitting in a tree stand with a high powered rifle in front of a patch of bait (not very sporty imo), but I still see the benefit in what they're doing.

But big game hunters are a different story. They absolutely put as much emphasis on the "charitable" results as they possibly can to draw attention away from the fact that they're travelling thousands of miles to kill an animal from a distance simply for bragging rights among their friends (remember the video that sparked the discussion on O&A in the first place?) Paying lots of money to do so may legitimize it in the eyes of the local laws, but I still think they're proudly exhibiting some of the most reprehensible traits of mankind and rightly deserve contempt. There may be a benefit there to indigeneous people (although I see it as more or less a form of exploiting their conditions), but I question how much of a benefit they actually see.

The poor countries are the ones that are running these hunts. You can't just hop a plane and fly over there with a rifle and start hunting. You have to go thru the proper channels and this dictates that the proceeds, meat, etc (whatever the case may be as set forth by the guidelines) will go towards the village. I don't think hunters are going over there because they want to help a small village because as you said before if they just wanted to help they could send money and not kill an animal. They do, in fact want to kill the animal. That is the purpose of hunting. Domestic hunters don't do it just to keep the deer population managable. They do it because they enjoy hunting (they may eat the meat or donate it but for the most part food in the US is pretty easy to come by without having to hunt for it yourself). Culling the herd is just a benefit the same way that feeding a village in Africa is a benefit of hunting over there.

The main point I am making is that you shouldn't ignore the positive aspects of them hunting just to make the point "these guys are assholes." Everyone likes different things. As long as they aren't asking you for money to support their hunting or making you go with them it's something that could simply be ignored. Like O&A say when a listener complains about what they are talking about: "just change the channel, stupid." If someone is engaging in some activity that you don't understand or agree with but it is legal, voluntary, and has a net positive outcome (regardless of the intent behind the outcome, the outcome is positive) just take it for what it is and realize maybe it's not your "cup o' tea" but not everything is for everyone.

I have less respect for hunters sitting in a tree stand with a high powered rifle in front of a patch of bait (not very sporty imo), but I still see the benefit in what they're doing.

Here's a video of a hunter sitting in a tree stand with a high powered rifle in front of a bait patch.


Would you have kept filming?

If we believe what happened, he talked shit about the dudes wife. Gotta defend that honor man.

A man defended his wife's honor

Freedom of speech allows you to say what you want - not to be protected from the backlash of saying it.

while true I sincerely hope he would have no issue with kanye being arrested for assault right after because otherwise he's looking for future where he can get punched in the face constantly for what he says. I didn't listen to this show yet so IDK what he said..

you make a good point, but i think that context is the overruling factor with that situation.

I just want to know who witnessed the kid saying it, and was it caught on tape.

I can totally see the kid saying "nigga" escalating in Kanye's mind into the guy calling her a nigger lover.

I thought about that too. This whole TMZ story is Kanye and Kardashian's version of the story. Who the fuck knows if it is true? Least of all TM-fucking-Z.

I agree, what a hypocrite for agreeing with a man that punched some douche who called his wife a niggerlover. He's not calling for "stricter social penalties for things we say", he's saying that if you go up to a black guy and angrily call him a nigger or angrily call his wife a niggerlover, that you should probably be punched in the face for doing so.

Context yo

the point he made was that censorship should never happen but when you say stupid shit like that "at" a person, don't be surprised if you immediately pay a social price of getting punched the fuck up.

you, yourself, have the right to go call a white chick with a black dude a nigger lover if you'd like. go try it, and tell us how it worked out.

Saying something distasteful at a comedy show is a lot different from calling a black man's wife a nigger lover.

Jim does and says what is best for Jim. If you ever listened to Colin's story about Jim, Laurie Kilmartin, and himself after flying 15 hours back from Kuwait and baggage claim. It's Jim in a nutshell. Not even a pathetic excuse for leaving them. It's Jim's needs... all the fucking time.

Kanye is going to go OJ at some point. He has uncontrollable rage. Given Robert Kardashian's defense of OJ, hopefully it happens to a family member of his.

He's just a hateable human being.