Jim gets new show on FX!

0  2014-01-15 by jackbowen

Ahhhprillll Faahhlls,

Zack Galifinakis... Even though he's funny... Booo


Why doesn't Louie try to push FX to do, like, a 2 hour video feed of the studio and what they're googling, sort of like how E! did with Sterno the Magnificent years ago? Seems like the exact "visual element" the boys have been pushing for, and it would push that edgier (ergh) concept they're going with for that FXX network. If O&A don't re-sign with Sirius, that would open them up to something like that. Like how sports networks show Sports talk shows? Like Imus? Sounds like that's where they should be trying to go. Leave the poisonous influence of Sirius.