Todays callers...

45  2014-01-14 by mr__hat


I'm sure about 50% of callers are bullshitters. They always manage to get a dentist, doctor, lawyer, cop, etc. calling up at a convenient time, but then they don't seem too knowledgeable... unlike me. I'm currently a pre-med, astronaut, school-teacher, but a couple of months back I was a private detective, ex-cop, ex-marine, specializing in native american folklore.

To add to this: whenever a caller says "I've done the research" you can be assured they're going to give you one hell of an uninformed, one-sided opinion.

I can verify this guys statement. I've done the research.

Have you seen loose change though?

Yeah, they call up and tell a bunch of bullshit or uninteresting stories. The callers on the program are unbearable.

Typical call: "What's up boys, love you love the show. I'm actually a teacher in New Jersey and [Uninteresting story]. Punching out."

Then they go on to the next caller

Spayshul indevurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

It was good. They don't have callers like that anymore, though. How old is that phone call?

I can't remember maybe from the XM days?

That's weird. I figured you would only have time to do one of those things.

"Literal Wsallgood" is a good character

Fascinating. As a pre-med, astronaut, school-teacher, private detective, ex-cop, ex-marine, specializing in native american folklore, how do you feel about men who dress up as barbie dolls?

I also do that. I'm a man trapped in the body of a very fat man.


Bullshit good sir.

I am 100% certain O&A has fake/staged callers to bring up topics and promote viral videos etc.

There was one caller who initially brought up "The Bridges of Madison County" The Musical, followed by that awkward "Oh, what a coincidence we have a Musical channel here at Sirius". "You just gave us 20 min. of radio! Thanks, caller!"

But why would they talk about musicals? Would seem odd if Opie hasn't been setting this up with his whole "gotta make sacrifices for the wife" routine.

That caller that called about the cock and balls graffitti on the bridge who the boys just had to let know was "killing it"? Totally fake.

The Harvey Levin connection? I wouldn't be surprised if TMZ outsourced the show's fake callers.

It has been known for a while now Opie works for a company called VIRAL SPRIAL ( Responsible for shit like "Charlie Bit My Finger" and that "Is This Real Life" video. Ever notice how much Opie loves that quote? "Is This Real Life?" He isn't just a big YouTube video fan, he gets paid to talk about these things.

How many unfunny YouTube clips or talentless big titted YouTube stars will it take you to realize this? Opie and Anthony are head hunted by these viral promotion companies because they are what the business calls industry tastemakers. (It should be noted I don't imply they get paid to talk things up, in the world of viral marketing you just need to mention something. You can shit on it all you want!) It about the numbers...

Don't get me started on Ant and his daily book reports about shitty TV shows or terrible pop music Sam brings up. Then they play the song or trailer of said media for required amount of time. Its fairly obvious between the commentary on subjects that comes up naturally, and the commentary that occurs when they play the latest Lorde pop song. Honestly, I don't mind be marketed to, but the boys are just getting lazy and more obvious about it every day.

The Harvey Levin connection? I wouldn't be surprised if TMZ outsourced the show's fake callers.


Ever notice how much Opie loves that quote? "Is This Real Life?"

Yeah, he and 122mil+ other people. Get the fuck outta here with this speculative shit.

While I wouldn't put it past either of them to get on board with something like that, it still seems like a big assumption. Isn't it possible that they're 2 middle aged men who are still trying to include a younger demo, and pop music/huge viral videos are a way to do that? These are the few forms of entertainment that cross both into the lives of 20-something yo's and O&A's real lives. No more laytwennies,whaaah? We know they're old, so they have to factor that in when they select topics. They can't fake being younger, yet they want to remain accessible. Just my 2 cents, maybe I'm way off...

This makes sense to me, Troy... another Quanspiracy...

JK.... makes me think, though.

Wow dude. I think you're giving the boys WAY more credit than they deserve. And you need a lot more evidence than just a few weird hunches.

That's an interesting point that I'd never considered it. And it makes a lot of sense. Also helps explain why they promote a lot of horseshit videos that have nothing to do with the target demographic. (I really doubt there's a lot of O&A fans waiting for a review of the new Beyonce song.)


I agree with Anthony the callers add NOTHING

Did anyone notice that deep voice caller yesturday talking about too much testosterone and one of his testicles shriveling up? Isn't he the same guy who got called out as a liar claming to be an Alaskan millionaire (couple of months ago not sure)? Has anyone noticed that? His voice is so recognizable. I noticed this and didn't wanna make a thread so I put it here.

Isn't he the beaver bacon guy?

Yeah pretty sure

"Don from Alaska" aka "Don from Texas" has been a regular caller for a long time (R&F also).. IIRC he also called for advice awhile back on whether he should bang his 16 year old stepdaughter, then called back a week later saying he did it.

So what's this guys deal? Does he just call up and lie all the time and they just keep taking his calls.

Just a guy having a laugh.

That response sucked.

There is a mush-mouth from North Carolina that I suspect is also full of it, but I can't remember all the claims he has made.

I fucking hated every single one of them. Hated them with a passion. What a horrific collection of simpleton douchebag assholes.

ah fuck I called today

Harvey.. so jewy.

I miss the lady who said her meal was so good it made her butt sweat. That was the last legit call they fielded.

For Christ's sake you don't pluralize a word with an apostrophe. "Lots".

Thank you!


The callers yesterday were fucking killing when talking about steroids and A-Rod. Just that one guy that sounded like a moron brought me back to whenever Bobo has a shit call and infuriates Jimmy.

Harvey heard they mentioned Kim kardashian and his phony alarm went off

That's not a real tweet you cocksukkah!

I've only been catching the first 30 minutes or so lately. Seems like they are taking more callers than they used to.

Great addition.

I've noticed they've started taking more callers this year. I'm not a fan to be honest.