Does anyone subscribe to the show through audible?

3  2014-01-12 by BrockLarson

I just got a years sub to the show through audible and was wondering if anyone else gets it there too. It seems the updates are at weird times and Fridays show still isn't up there. Anyone else have that problem or know their update schedule?


I do, and when my year is up I am not paying for it again.

The app itself is good, the jackass in charge of putting it online is not.

I'll either not listen or find "other means", which are much faster and reliable, as sad as that is.


Didn't realize that.

Well, I guess that means when my year is up I am done with the show. The sirius app is dog shit - I'm not paying for it.

And since they don't want to send a file to audible reliably then I'm not paying for an Audible subscription either.

The "other means" that I have heard of appear to be better than the old "other means".

I do. I used to have Sirius but only used online streaming. The app sucked so much, that I figured I'd give Audible a try, since on an annual basis it's cheaper, but that sucks too. At this point I pirate almost every day.

On a side note, I blame Sal. If you remember the fight he and Travis had on air last month, Travis was listing off the responsibilities he had to cover for Sal, and Audible was one of them. And so for that, I give a big FUCK YOU to Sal.

Often times Friday shows don't get uploaded until Monday afternoon, and sometimes not at all. If you ask audible about it they'll tell you it's on O&A's end, which I have no trouble believing. Monday thru Thursday shows are usually up by early evening though.

Yep that's pretty much what I was thinkin. Thanks.

How is it not up instantly???

I would think it would be too. I've been using audible since I started listening and on average I would say it's up by 4 pm central time. Sometimes though I'll check the app multiple times a night and it just won't get put up. I blame Stupid Sam.

They are slow as fuck in uploading them. They have said multiple times it is audibles end that is slow, but from hearing the shit work ethic of everyone on the show I doubt that immensely. Just sub to SXM online, much easier.

i'm sure it is better than the piece of shit app on android and the shit web player.


I have for several years. Sometimes it is frustrating, and the last few months have been all fucked up but it seems to be getting somewhat back to normal. As someone already said, shows are usually up by the end of the business day in EST. Fridays seem to be a Monday thing permanently now, and I definitely blame the staff. Somebody takes off early on Friday so they upload it at the same time as Mondays. Opie and Travis have mentioned it on air a few times, but very much in passing. They were all getting a lot of tweets and whatnot about the Audible service and seemed to address it. I think it takes a little time to edit out the commercials, which is one of the things I like the most about it. I put the shows on my ipod and catch up whenever I can listen. I am not very tech savvy or internety, and I would love to explore "other means" if someone could possibly message me a little info? I promise to keep my fuckin' yap shut.

no i'm not a faggot