Do you think Brother Joe is mad?

5  2014-01-10 by iamfromreallife


Very un-U2-like.

I read that in Ant's voice. Holidays at the Cumia's must be hilarious.

Meanwhile in Atlantic city...

Some brothers just like to see the world burn

The real question: will Jimmy call him out for using a slur about Native Americans?

ugh his smugness yesterday when they were talking about the cleveland indians, if you didnt know what he looked like you would think he's an indian, jimmy has become the hole on the show for certain things.

You mean an "injun"

all he said was that he agrees.. no more .. no less. stop hating on their shitty opinions.

Looks like someone forgot to put a little umbrella in his drink!

He's a Cumia alright.

Yeah the biggest poker room in the world sucks. Did Foxwoods turn down 2U? Cover band Joe needs to grow up

No, I think to play, in this case, means to gamble...

who gives a fuck?

Maybe this guy and his chick were being obnoxious to him and kept bugging him.


2014-01-10 10:49:29 UTC

Fuck you Foxwoods, you should burn to the fucking ground. I will never return. SHIT PLACE 2 play. Borgata rules!! U injuns can suck my dick.

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Nothing says cool like making sure your Twitter handle includes the surname your brother made famous.

But that's his last name too?...