Jim Brewers new gimmick unintentionally shit on

20  2014-01-09 by [deleted]


I'm so happy that this happened.

Breuer shit on Adam McKay pretty bad, when he was on the WTF podcast. And McKay is one of the creators of Funny or Die, so it's not that big of a stretch to think it was intentional.

I used to Listen to Breuer on Friday nights on Raw Dog - fuckin' hilarious, not sure why I don't listen anymore... - Anyways... He used to beat the absolute shit out of McKay on his show! Call him names, talk about how shitty he was. I'm assuming the word got around.

AHHHHH. thats very funny then.

I could be wrong, but I believe Breuer doesn't work there anymore.

i think he said he was embarrassed to admit how much they offered him to renew his contract.

"un-intentional' i think you meant to write

i have no idea what i mean to write, besides what i write. if its wrong, oh baby is it wrong.

ya i know I am constantly thinking one thing and my fingers type another.

Just look how I spelt Breuer in the OP haha.

I hope this was intentional. It's just as awful as stupid Breuer's christmas song.

I heard this fuckin guy has a metal record as well... Not even a funny one, but one meant to be taken seriously... Jesus Christ.

Cosby with a leather jacket.

He stinks and I don't like him!

People like Jim Bruer? Holy shit.

His Pizza Man story was great.

One of the most epic tales ever told on the show.

And Half Baked was great.

yeah because some people have their own opinions and dont follow a reddit herd.

if you saw his first big hour stand up and say its not funny then your just a too cool for the room idiot, this place is filled with a bunch of followers, if you look at 99% of the posts on here its always filled with ant or jimmy phrases, "hey look at me i can say "utter dreck" like jimmy" or people just regurgitate ants political views, you guys are a bunch of unoriginal unfunny people.

I do a pretty good typewritten Colin Quinn impression but I never see an opportunity to use it-huvhuv.

Well I suppose imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Hurmph. ok.

But here's the thing: Is it really flattery if you never use it, know-what-I-mean? (Huvhuv! Look at me, asking a dummy like you about social etiquette. As-if-I-had-a-snowball's-chance-in-hell-of-getting-an-intelligble-answer-huvhuv.)

Die in a puddle of aids! oooops!!!

IMO, this was the only humorous thing he's ever done. The rest is either hack or Jesus-filled.

People praise his storytelling, but the affected voice and inability to hide how pleased he is with his own humor just drain all the funny for me.

he's a fucking gold on the Opie and Anthony and Stern, it's just his new music career is kind of 1990ish.

A fucking GOLD I tell you!

I'm getting the feeling that this wasn't unintentional.

im 99.9% sure they aren't aware of Breuer2K

Weird timing then huh? I wasn't aware of the new Breuer till this song and read about people saying he changed. I think Breuer may have been the inspiration.

People in comedy keep up with people in comedy. Plus Breuer talks mad shit.

Good, Breuers a hack.

I pretty much love most people you guys hate but Breuer, just isn't meant for the show anymore

I can't listen to Breuer on O&A because he peppers his stories with stupid sound effects that arent even close to being convincing, theyre loud as fuck and each sound feels like it never ends. It's fucking unbearable to listen to. Who the fuck enjoys a grown man making explosion noises?!!

The internet actually thinks that's funny.
