Lil Beavis vs Joe DeRosa

5  2014-01-09 by [deleted]

Holy shit why isn't anyone talking about this. @BeavisCumia calls MC Serch an abortion between Jim and Derosa and Derosa loses it. I guess Hollywood has gotten the best of him. Take a joke.


Could Joe's sensitive shoulders slump any lower?

As low as his puffy man-tits can hang.

Aw jesus Joe..



"I don't need the negativity"

But that's all they are, is negative.

No one will ever say that Derosa is as entertaining as Bill Burr, Louis Ck, Jim Jeffries, Patrice, Bob Kelly, Dick Vos, or even Dice. He is really a zero when he comes in.

i fucking hate derosa.

We know, Troy.

Beavis cumia is. Or atleast was when the account started. Some teenager ant was banging.

Well I assume he was banging her. I havent been on twitter in awhile but she had an account of her own.

She is nothing special. Ant has really odd tastes

I don't know if it's necessarily odd, his "tastes" are just barely legal white trash who have an awful relationship with their father.

They don't seem to usually be particularly good looking. Thats what I mean by odd tastes

I believe this is her.

Yes. Exactly


not a funny joke, OnA fans are the so unfunny

"hey im gunna @ mention OnA so they can see how brutal i am lolzzz"

DeRosa comes off pretty douchey. He lost me with that story of why he broke up with his gf over their "big fight" Something about he took her to dinner and she was going to take the doggy bag home to share with her roomates but she ended up giving it to a homeless guy or throwing it away, some shit like that. Then he got all faggy and started whining about how he paid for that food for her to enjoy and how mean it was of her to to give up on it like that. Such a petty stupid thing to fight about. His estrogen levels must be elevated just look at his tits.

I think pretty douchey is an extreme understatement.

Joe's a fucking pussy. Listen to him whine at Troy during their on-air "fights" in the fall of 2012 if you need any further proof.

Easy prey like DeRosa is how house cats get fat and sedentary.

Why did the twitter pest start ribbing Serch?

No one is talking about it because it isn't important, you fucking asshole.

A lot of things you can call DeRosa. But "funny", or "quick", or "able to create an entertaining video" or "thick skinned" are not some of them.

He's the least funny dude to come on the show, and that includes the guy that made the art from toothpicks. If all goes well, DeRosa will never come back. Learn a trade, ya fuckin' man titted hack.

A lot of things you can call DeRosa. But "funny", or "quick", or "able to create an entertaining video" or "thick skinned" are not some of them.

Have you ever listened to his albums?

I wouldn't listen to it on a dare.

I made a mistake of watching those videos he put out. Holy fucking terrible.

I used to like him but I'm just so sick of his victim mentality. It's mostly all his doing and he gets angry and pissy about it. You're not going to go very far in comedy if you can't take a joke, Joe.

So DeRosa is a life-long MC Serch fan. I don't know how to think about this.

too long i didnt listen. what did joe say hes never coming back?

He basically said "I'm mad because a cat on Twitter said MC Serch looked like my abortion"

I didn't see this but are ya sure he isn't fuckin around?

No DeRosa was dead serious I was wondering if O&A addressed this yet or not

Derosa calls into vos & Bonnie's podcast and talks about it. He is serious. Lol.


Derosa brought this up on Bonnie and Vos's podcast. He sounded like typical sensitive Joe Derosa. Shouldnt be suprised he freaks out on ball busting on the show and in the past on Uninformed.


Derosa is a bomb, I do not find him funny at all, and he is a waste of time on the show. Vos is close but at least he is stupid and entertaining.


Fuck Beavis Cumia. Obviously some super fan who is trying too hard to be part of the show. Joe is a pussy but i cant stand super fans.

It's somebody that hangs out at Ant's house, they post a bunch of original pictures of Beavis. I think its some teenager ant is banging.

I retract my statement and go fuck myself

Still applies. She tries too hard to be funny.

Ding Ding Ding, You are correct, sir

No it isn't, it's some guy off of paltalk.

That's Ileana, @beaviscumia is a dude named Kyle.


The Rose is a big shot in Hollywood now.

I like DeRosa.

"Take a joke"
