Grumpy old men...

0  2014-01-09 by [deleted]

Bitch, moan, phoney, media sucks etc.

I think I laughed twice during yesterdays show...what's happened to them?


I would recommend taking a break from the show. Seriously, take a few days and don't listen to a word of ONA. After that period, however long it may be, you'll be eager to come back and listen. I've done this numerous times, and I find that when I tune back in I actually enjoy the show a lot more. When you listen 4 hours a day you're bound to get a little burnt out, so take a break and clear your head.

I don't understand the passionate loyalty to a group of angry dudes who truly hate their fan-base. Hell, a guy calls up and tries to talk and the assholes talk over him. Then Opie says, "I wasn't even listening." Don't take fucking phone calls then, jack-offs. They hate their fans, and eventually you will all turn on them in return.

Ah, fuck you downvote wusses... R&F noon to 3!

Didnt downvote, but hate is what brings us all together. Jim's advice show didnt really work because he was logical and pleasant. Most of the on-air 'confrontations' are with the hayseeds anyway.


You make them rich as they shit on you and then you defend the shit and try to convince everyone else that the shit smells really good and you're just crazy for not liking shit smell.

I don't understand why you faggots listen to the show when all you do is come here and bitch about it. The shows not for just you! It's not up to Opie and Anthony to cater every moment of the show to what you want to hear. I listen to the show 20 hours a week I don't expect to enjoy every moment of it. I don't expect to fully enjoy 20 hours of anything. If you no longer like the current show tune into something else or listen to old clips and move the fuck on assholes. It's amazing what this sub has turned into which is meant for what I thought were fans of the show. No one cares about what you guys think. Stop flooding the sub with your dull horse shit.

Whatever fanboy, you must be deaf as well as dumb if you haven't noticed the deterioration in the show the last few years...also this forum is a place to voice opinions and thoughts, we are just as entitled to moan as much as you are to post about how great the show is.