remember when Opie would tell the listeners to see a comic so that comic could have 'some pocket money?'

0  2014-01-08 by opiesucks

i was reminded by that douchy line he used for a solid month while listening to that amazing complication of Colin vs Jimmy youtube. Anyone else got examples of things Opie would say for awhile he thought were cool?


lol anything about the Philly crew or talking about his fraternity is a fail

I have a deep seeded hate for the term "philly crew" oof


Yuck does that bother me when he says that. Also when he talks about "The Opster putting up numbers."

They both do that. Think it's from Ronny B

He was right about Apple's China deal....

Hey Brothermaaaaaan. That's fucking cringeworthy

"just trying to do the right thing"

I was listening to the show one day (I think it was the Jimmy following the 'stolen' bus segment) and made a tweet about him using the phrase. Nothing malicious or anything, just probably made a bad joke about it or something.The Opster ended up sending me a DM calling me a "loser" and asking me what my point was. Kinda strange that out of the hundreds of bad tweets I'm sure he's received, he picked out mine to DM me about. It was a bit odd but must've hit him close to the mark that day...


Don't know what you're talking about. That clip was too complicated.

Edit: oh you meant compilation.

Him and the Philly Crew go the mall and check out some "juice"

Sounds like something 16 year old wigger Jimmy would say not a 50 year old shock jock

LISTS! make a list sam! why does he think lists are so great. And its not just making em. He also loves reading top ten lists and whatnot

Referring to himself as "The Opster" always makes me cringe.

The way he use to screech 'blueberries!!!'. Years ago I randomly turned on the show for the first time when they were on WYSP in Philly. I got in the shower, heard him say blueberries so many times he compelled me to get out of the shower and turn off my clock radio.

I actually enjoy using the term "the spectrum"