Intern David Before he was an Intern

43  2014-01-08 by HottestRod



David... I like ju mustachje


"I always like treating people exactly the opposite as they're treated on the O&A show. Why? It confuses them. It absolutely confuses them, and then they think to themselves 'what is reality?'"

"All I could hear was 'but, but, Opie...but, but, Opie'"

"But Opie wouldn't lie to me!"

That was one of the greatest thing I ever heard on the radio. I was laughing uncontrollably at work. Ronny B is brilliant.

I want Ronny B to show up at Ground Zero where David works and starts doing this bit again. "What the hell is he doing Here?!? Get him the fuck out of here." Then ESD comes dressed as a red headed Muslim extremist and whisks him away

"I said, 'You maggot interns...'"

This is hilarious. I love the part where David BRINGS UP the fact that people always say he looks fried and gets defensive and acts offended when the guy behind the camera agrees with him and makes a joke about him not being fried.

Full blown Retard.

I think he may have been talking about his last name - I remember him saying it was Fried (pronounced it Freed).

Edit - he says it in the second half of the video; I love how they black out his last name then say the last name about fifty times.

that doesnt make any sense at all. "everyone always says i look Fried (as in his name)" That makes sense. Im sure everyone tells the Ant: "You look Cumia"

and then opie says: "as long as your not really cumia"

I don't like that guy's Vos-like marble mouth though.

David, my David!

Also, holy shit, who would have thought that David used to look even weirder before O&A?

this is definitely r/nottimanderic material

I feel like they appreciate cringe humor as much as the boys but if they ever had them on it would be a disaster

Why would a person like this be drawn to broadcasting and media? He's clearly not suited for it.

What is he suited for?

Building pyramids.

Lol pyramid dust still stuck underneath his nails.- patrice

After watching that I have to wonder if it's all an act. He is just to awkward for it to be real how can anybody be that bad?


It's Kosher Sports!

The frustration of "more frustration guy" was hilarious.

Nice find.

Best intern ever

We would all be dead of it weren't for David

*MY David.

Holy shit, Intern David is Percy Dovetonsils!

I wondered why he was working at Ground Zero and didn't get a job in broadcasting. Guess I know why now.

Opie, Anthony, and Sam were all talking about the next super show today, and how they needed to get new sideshow acts for it...

The Moby Dick of the show is out there. Someone HAS to make it happen.

This kid is gonna be a STAAAAAHHHH!

Are we sure he's not related to David Blane?

Fellow CSB Alumni here I was on the Ice Hockey team for 6 months in 2006 until I graduated!

Funnier than Sam

Sam and David > David or Sam

What is he suited for?

I feel like they appreciate cringe humor as much as the boys but if they ever had them on it would be a disaster

After watching that I have to wonder if it's all an act. He is just to awkward for it to be real how can anybody be that bad?