Gregg's story was so crazy and relatable.

5  2014-01-08 by nolasen

Towards the end of the first show back from holiday vacation when Opie gracefully worked in his story about dating his checks with 2013 and having to open all his envelopes to change it AND THEN having to tape them back together... HILARIOUS! I so didn't see that coming. So crazy because THIS HAPPENED TO ME TOO !!! It was nice to hear someone I can relate to and who has the courage to laugh at themself. I love the new Opie, brave enough to cut off the other two guys at any point in the show (outside of his regular time slot of the first break) so he can open himself up to relate to us fans. Kudos sir. Keep up the good work!


Comedy gold!

Whats amazing was he didn't even have ink blotches all over his checks or a spider inside writing him a seatbelt ticket... he just reopened those bitches and scribbled in 2014.


He's a regular Seinfeld.

You seem a little frazzled, friend. Take a breather.

What I really miss from the show these days is when Opie used to take calls from people who called in to bring attention to the fact that Opie had a "great line" but nobody heard it. How do we know nobody heard it? because nobody laughed so obviously they didn't hear it.

lol he did this all the time and then Ant and Jimmy had to awkwardly congratulate him like a small child looking for attention

Go back to Wackbag you nerds

I feel exactly the same, the rest of the show was the best radio they've ever done but 9:41-9:45 this morning was absolutely the worst thing I've ever heard.

Or something.


All three of them say stupid shit you fucking retards. Go listen to a different show. Maybe you'll like Jason Ellis more.


Good job, Opie!

Some people are really obsessed with opie.

The Opie hate seems to equal those who hate Ant and his politics, actually. It's kind of a weird dichotomy of hate for the two people the show is named after.

I actually don't hate either of them. It's just that their defects are really . . . defective.

I wish Op would hurry up and die of aids. Another Opie thread. How original!

eat shit

Good one. Telling me to eat shit after I hoped you would die and all. Way to stick it go me ya unoriginal fuck.

idk I know it gets old making fun of Opie but its hard when he keeps saying retarded shit on a daily basis he pretty much gives the Opie haters ammunition

Wow I've done the same thing and guess what?... I said screw it and mailed them with the previous year anyway. You know what happened? The amount written on the checks disappeared from my account.

So he is either a dope who made extra work for himself or bullshitting YET AGAIN. Probably the latter because who wouldn't just grab some fresh envelopes!?

/u/urabusxrw? Is that you, ya little rascal?


eat shit

idk I know it gets old making fun of Opie but its hard when he keeps saying retarded shit on a daily basis he pretty much gives the Opie haters ammunition