Did everyone forget that Sam sucks?

0  2014-01-07 by Tony_Sunshine

I'm seeing all these complaints about the pre and post show... The only thing that's changed is it's split into 2 half hour blocks. Sam has always sucked... Why is everyone attacking him now?


I love Sam. The split fucks with the dynamic of his show and I don't like it.

I agree. Splitting it up makes zero sense and it seems like it fucks with the replays. Sam can't get into anything decent (like all of the backstage drama or interviews) and just seems hamstrung for something with zero upside.

I like Sam. Nohomo.

if he's not trying to relate to kids with random shit (music, clothes, jay-z) then he is great, he can really keep a show going without it sounding amateur and he has really gotten funny over the last 2-3 years.

some people are just stubborn, i think most of you hate the young sam that came to the show, just like the ESD haters that seem to hate the ESD that first came to the R&F show.

I know that he sucks. I was hoping this new format would kinda keep him sequestered to only the pre and post show and not talk so much during the actual show (this way I could avoid him). Alas, that hasn't been the case.

I miss the good ol' days when he'd only pipe up to talk about the behind the scenes staff gossip. Line of the day was by anthony to Sam "Oh, someone thinks its 10:30" because he wouldnt stop yapping

Yeah I fuckin appreciated that. Sam really does like to throw his 2 cents in. I think he's trying to be third mic when Jimmy winds up blowing his brains out over losing his show/being paranoid about being forced off the main show.

Sam Roberts is the future of edgy radio.

Live with it!!

The new format sucks but I think Sam is great to be honest