Summary of the channel revamp

15  2014-01-06 by DontSassMeParilla

All other original programming (Advice show, R&F, Davey Mac) gets axed. The show gets pushed back a half hour. More replays.

Toot toot. Media destination train coming through.


This move hurts Sam. The after show was basically his show (guests and all) and now its gone. Am i wrong?

No, Sam got fucked.

Ya that blows. I actually enjoyed the after show.

A lot of the shite shows were just shite ... but as a place for Sam to try and put something together for himself in radio, in lieu of a living wage, it was the right thing to do.

It also generated a bunch of content for the big boy show. A place for comedians to try out to see if they might fit, the drunkard Mashup Nicole and the Whoo Kidd connection (which was the Mike Tyson hook up), Troy went faggot mental, and Lady Di called in the After Show first, technically meaning if no proper Shit Show, no year-end CQ Superstar Supershow.

I reckon "The O&A show" as a thing stands to lose more content than they gain by letting the millionaires sleep for another 30minutes. This whole scramble round, make it up as they go along, Sabean radio wizardy is a fucking shambles from top to bottom.

Agreed. It also sounds like they split it into two shows to make it easier to drop the opening one, then later, the other one. Much easier than dropping a whole 'after show.'


Good. He's a shit stirring douchebag.

I like Sam, but listening to him recap everything that happened, is happening around him, and will happen is freaking DULL. I typically like Sam, but "Sam's PRE" just does not work for me. I switched to Rawdog and Tom Papa was on. My only other option is suicide at this point. Suggestions of how to do it?


Maybe if they had an intro to the Pre show with a quick clip of "Here comes the pre...."

I was thinking the same thing how could that not have been a intro sound clip. It's the most obvious thing in the world.

Eat a bullet

Outside so some poor schmuck doesn't have you clean your brain matter off the wall.

You are aware this is SXM clearing the channel before O&A's contract is up so they can shut it down when they don't renew it. This is the boy's last year.

This statement has been said every single year they have been on the radio and they always resign. They've fought and hated management with a passion since day one on FM.

How many years did they gut every surrounding show or move them to other stations?

The surrounding shows really don't mean a lot in the long run. I'd imagine they have their own deals, if any. It's probably a pay for air/commercial type deal not a long term contract. Ron and Fez "leaving" doesn't mean a lot in the long run as they are still with the company and have their own audience and channel. We will see with them.

Have you listened to the late WNEW years, practically every early (2004) XM show, or the very early CBS years? It was a CONSTANT shit show with management and staff. I mean their studio didn't even work for the first few weeks at XM. It was a daily struggle- their mics and phones literally didn't work for WEEKS at a time. They loved E-lo but it was constant the arguing and fighting with him and management. I remember bits they did where they were literally on the phone with lawyers during the show al la beehive challenge, etc. They pride themselves on not giving a shit and when its a shitshow its someone else fault. This is just what they do. Its part of it.

Maybe I'm wrong this time but just download the torrents of their 2004 shows, their early CBS days when they realize how restrained management is about content. Remember when the CBS boss said on air "Just get me ratings?" That was it. Its been the same "struggle" with management for their entire career. Its what they do and its part of the appeal of the show. Its more and more embarrassing as time passes as they age but its what it is and thankfully they've morphed into a chill talk/bullshitting show rather than true shock jocks. I still love them for it but to say this is anything new is just not correct.

you know this is a bit they do every year, right?

SXM does bits? when was the last time they moved ron and fez?

you are an idiot

Couldn't they just clear the channel once they're supposedly done?

SXM kills all the talent on the station, hoping the ratings for O&A fall. When they do fall (because who is going to listen to 7 hours of replays a day?) it is a bargaining chip for SXM to lowball the boys in negotiations. Their ego is too high to take less money, and will walk. SXM is just setting up for either A: Saving money on the contract or B: Getting rid of the boys at howies request.

Your post is a textbook definition of the term talking out of your ass.

Enjoy your 9 hours of replays on a dead station.

Conversely, I'm looking forward to listening to O&A in my car on the west coast now.

For those of us on the West Coast the replay is where we catch what we missed.

I love the change and listened all day today instead of switching to the comedy channels during the RnF snorefest.

What other talent one the station ? Ron and Fez was on for 4 hours a day and then ESD for 1 hour a week. It's not like the channel was ever filled with programing. It's always been O&A pretty much non stop with the occasional thing on the weekend for 3 hours.

Step 1: Kill all other original content

Step 2: More replays of same old shit

Step 3: ???

Step 4: Media destination

I wouldn't be surprised if Hoo Hoo's the one pulling the strings, he has it out for O&A.

Besides dropping ESD and Jimmy's show and splitting up Sam's, pushing the afternoon replay to 4 means I get to listen to the same thing on my way home as my morning drive at 6. I'm not too thrilled so far.

They actually mentioned this problem on air.

You should look into using imgur to host your pictures so you don't have to deal with an insane link like that.

At least step into 2002 and use photobucket.

Or use a shortener to seem more civilized...

Don't use URL shorteners ever on reddit. They screw up the spam filters and can disguise malicious links.

As if every other YouTube link isn't that fucking basketball trick shot.


Damn you people! Who would ever hide a mischievous link in a URL shortener?!

Thank you /u/h3yf3ll4 for my TIL. I finally have one!

Unmasked airs on Indie Sunday nite

Just doing replays is really stupid. Why do they need their own channel for this?

I wonder if the reason for splitting up Sams show into two half hours is so he has to stay on topic of what happened on the main show. I hope he will have enough time in the post show to have guests.

Truthfully, he really is great with guests. I think his interview skills are pretty good. (No where near Ronnie B, but still good!)

He may or may not be a good interviewer. I just don't care about him or his shitty semi-celebrity guests. I hated the old 1 hour long shitshows when he didn't talk about the show or any show related shit. Todays aftershow was pretty much what the aftershow used to be until about early-to-mid 2012 when sam's personal nonsense started to took over.


Yeah I agree with this, I don't see the point of a after show. Nothing crazy happens anymore. I like that Sam took it and made it his own thing.

Are you kidding? Sam + WhooDat or Nicole provide some hilarious, non-main show related fun. I'd much rather have O&A finish up, Sam + 1more in studio for an hour (I'd even like more than that), and then R&F. That way it feels like 3 shows when it's only supposed to be 2 and a recap.

Yeah he is. If he can't have guests anymore then I imagine this is a bit of a downgrade for him.

The new format is shit. The Sam after show with whoo kid, Nicole, whoever he could get on was better than the pre and post show bullshit. The whole concept is really lame to me. Do we need a pre or post show for a show that is all about just showing up and seeing what happens? They should've just given Sam an hour or so after the show to do his thing and I would have been happier with that.

Saw Opie reply to somebody's tweet about liking the "new format". What new format? It's the same stuff - just time-shifted a little, and Sam got fucked. Otherwise - same show as last month. Even the same bitching and moaning. Am I mistaken?

They were probably referring to Opie's description of what their intentions are for the channel (which he wasn't all that detailed about either).


Does that include weird medicine?? All of those programs are amazing FUCK THAT


Maybe if they had an intro to the Pre show with a quick clip of "Here comes the pre...."

Eat a bullet

You should look into using imgur to host your pictures so you don't have to deal with an insane link like that.

SXM does bits? when was the last time they moved ron and fez?

Outside so some poor schmuck doesn't have you clean your brain matter off the wall.


Unmasked airs on Indie Sunday nite