Ant Logic - Marijuana Owners: Not responsible enough to have weed in a house with kids. Gun Owners: Responsible enough to have guns in house with kids.

6  2014-01-06 by [deleted]

And the school shootings don't count for some reason.


He was being sarcastic, and pointing out the absence of the "concern for children" that crops up in other issues. He specifically said he doesn't care one way or the other. I cannot believe that you people are fans of this show and are this socially inept. Although, Bobo and Stalker Patti are superfans, so maybe it makes sense.

He was being sarcastic, and pointing out the absence of the "concern for children" that crops up in other issues.

Shocking how people still take their comments at face value.

Unless this post itself was a joke....It's depressing that O&A fans as a group can come up with this kind of shit. Surely it couldn't be more obvious that he was just making fun of his own controversial opinions a little, as well as uneducated public outcry as a whole...

These people must have been really confused by the screwing with Lady Di segment.

Did you even listen? He was just throwing out the counter arguments that people would have and then said he doesn't even care about it. Did you honestly think he (a former pot head) was taking a hard stand against marijuana or did your Anthony hate boner swell up and remove all of the oxygen from your brain? Loser.

I think that's why he brought it up, to state that people will question the dangers of having guns at home in relation to children but not do the same with weed. Maybe?

I think he's a hypocritical shit. Like how he hates anyone being censored but can't help but jizz on himself when MSNBC does.

Are you mad bro?

He's become a special interest group. Champions one cause incessantly and gives no credence to others.

So you didnt get what he was saying at all because you have poor listening comprehension. Its not his fault you're dumb fuck.

And the descent of this sub-reddit into wackbag is almost complete...

I don't know why you're downvoted. This is the most accurate post on here.


Stop your whining. You sound like a libtard.



There is a reason why he didn't finish high school. Dumb shit

You can't understand subtlety so he's dumb. That makes sense. Way to go.

You thought a 52 year old who dates 17 year old's would be morally spot-on?

The guy is almost 60.

Hahah... Dana called him an old creepy man.

Yeah, that was a WEAK argument. My question is, if it is dangerous, like a gun (since kids could get into it... sell it, etc), why doesn't the gov't legislate having it locked up, like gun are (in Canada it is like that, not sure about the states). You can have responsible, and irresponsible gun and weed owners. He is a hypocitical shitbag. :-)

why doesn't the gov't legislate having it locked up, like gun are

Because you might need to quickly pack a bowl in a self-defense situation?

Actually I'm in favor of gun ownership and legal recreational pot. The thing that I had to laugh at was when he wanted to know whether the bags of legal pot had warning labels on them... Yeah, just like the warning labels on his bottles of scotch.

Ant should really just stick to what he's good at; making funny voices.

And as for the caller who claimed that lots of kids and pets are getting sick from getting into adult's stashes, I'll bet you dollars to donuts he was one of the suckers who bought into this story:


The thing that I had to laugh at was when he wanted to know whether the bags of legal pot had warning labels on them... Yeah, just like the warning labels on his bottles of scotch.

But every bottle of alcohol sold does have a warning label on it.

Does it really? I don't drink, but I'm surprised to hear that.

EDIT: "After ten years of health warning labels on alcoholic beverage containers, most Americans -- even those who drink -- don't notice or read the warning message. Three out of four persons in a national survey conducted for the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) said that they would be more aware of the warning message if it were easier to read."


So you're right, but I guess I'm not alone in not knowing about them.

I hate to be "that guy", but blame Opie for insisting that these idiots get on the air. O&A listeners and "people who get outraged at The Onion headlines" is a Venn diagram with a very, very large overlap and he always has to pull the emergency brake to get one of these retards on air.

There are a handful of states that regular guns must be locked up in a safe or have a state approved trigger lock. Some states require you to buy a trigger lock when you buy a new gun.

Not sure why he cares about peoples kids and pot. It sounded like if it came down to it he wouldn't vote for medical/legal weed, this must be a fox news talking point right ?

He knows there is money in the conservative market. He likes his little guest spots and is very afraid to step on any toes over at Fox News.

The funny thing is the people of Colorado voted this law in..He's almost saying he wants the govt to step in a do something. Doesnt this go against his conservative values? He has no problem backing gun laws put in place by Texas voters. Bravo to the OP.

And the theory that he's jockeying for a conservative talk show or whatever is not a bad one. Although, we know its going to be a radio show because no one is putting that face on TV unless its 3am

I think any Live From the Compound will immediately stop any Fox career. I especially love the one where he's calling Bobo a nigger for no reason.

There's always a reason.

No reason? Bobo is a nigger

Ant is too. At least bobo is upitty.

I bet you wring your hands in a panic when you hear Louis CK say 'nigger'. On the one hand, he's a liberal, and one of the good guys, and can't possibly be racist. On the other hand, he's saying that naughty word that you have an negative emotional reaction to.


Anger when he's yelling at Bobo?

Why do you think Louis ck is a liberal? You americans are hilarious.

Because he's basically admitted as much, and that's the general consensus. And we are hilarious, that's why you Canadians listen to us.

Ever heard of a diner de con? Look it up and you'll know why we laugh.

What is it, a bunch of diner conventions or somethin?

No, but I've heard of the award-winning movie (in France) The Nutty Professor. I thought the French loved wacky and zany comedians like Jerry Lewis?

I'll try to find a link for you.

Neo-nazis in Canada and Western Europe would be considered too liberal by most American conservatives.

That's because fascism is way closer to American liberalism than conservatism, because a far reaching massive government is required.

It's because things that are regularly demonized as "socialist" in the U.S. (universal health care, for example) are so unquestionably important and self-explanatory that even the most wacked-out right wing parties in Europe wouldn't get the idea to do away with them. Hence the need to dramatically shift the U.S. political spectrum to align it with Europe's (in general) for example. The only thing right wingers in Europe and the U.S. have in common are immigration-related fears.

The idea of "strong social net = out-of-control, monolithic government" is a uniquely American fear. The rest of the first world has a more level-headed, practical approach to representative governments for a variety of reasons.

It's a bad one because aside from guns, low taxes and racism, he doesn't agree with Republicans on anything. Do you think the bible belt that listens to Hannity and Limbaugh wants to listen to a pro-gay marriage, pro-abortion radio host?

Please articulate the Republican party stance on racism.

You know what I mean.

You implicitly stated that Republicans don't like black people.

Well, actually, I didn't say anything implicitly, especially about black people.

And, I'm a libertarian who usually votes Republican, so I wasn't taking a shot at them, but let's be real for a second. The GOP itself may not be racist, but it's the party of choice of racists.

  1. Ant doesn't like black people.
  2. Ant agrees with Republicans on racism

Thus, you are implying that Republicans don't like black people. I don't mean to be a nitpicker, but you did imply that.

I think it's more fair to say that a lot of Republican policies appear to be, at least at face value, more detrimental to the minority communities. People then make the leap to assuming this is due to racism.

What the fuck? You said "aside from guns, low taxes and racism, he doesn't agree with Republicans on anything." How is that not implying something about black people?

I am positive that if Ant had to change his views on anything to get a gig he would.

I have never heard him say he is pro gay marriage or pro abortion.Can you provide a link? No.

Why are you being so faggety? I've been listening on XM since 04, Ant has said multiple times he doesn't give a shit if gay people marry or if people have abortions. Other listeners will back me up on this. But, if you want to be a know-it-all faggot, go ahead.

Ant's almost a completely different guy (politically) from 4 yrs ago.

First of all .calm down.

He has never said he is pro abortion or pro gay marriage.... ever.On the other hand Op and jimmy have said numerous times they are pro Gay and abort. If anything Ant has stated that he understands why people are against these things.

This is what bigots like Ant do,they don't commit either way.

OK, I apologize.

Secondly, No, I don't think Ant cares. People who are anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage usually aren't ambient about these things in public. Ant has called black people all sorts of terrible things on the radio, I don't think he'd be apprehensive about speaking about about abortion and gay marriage on da the show. My two cents.

There is a show in 2012 with Ann coulter as a guest when the subject of GM come up,Ant could really relate to the anti GM people views that day.You know it's their right to discriminate against gays if they want type of stuff.

You know i don't care either way but ....what about the 1st amendment etc

This is what bigots like Ant do,they don't commit either way.

Maybe in your liberal, glee watching, bizzarro world. Here in the real world a bigot commits to opposing a group of people. You could make the case that Ant is bigoted to black people, but the gays? Give me a fucking break.

Ant sitting around the card table isn't defending anyone's rights other than the rights of rich white dudes.

When he is hanging with the Redeye cast he isn't talking up pro abortion.

isn't defending anyone's rights other than the rights of rich white dudes.

Why the hell should he?

he isn't talking up pro abortion.

Again, why the fuck should he?

He doesn't speak out against the gays and abortion either. Did it occur to you that maybe those two issues aren't that important to him?

I was responding to another comment,go back and read it.

Ant is a bigot. he will spruik anti gay and anti abortion rhetoric on a conservative radio show if he had too.

And good luck to him.

You're not that intelligent, are you? Typical of an uppity liberal.

Bigots don't commit either way? That doesn't even make sense. So what about people that commit all the way to what you think is the "bigot" side?

bigots like Ant

I see, so anyone who doesn't side with you is a bigot. If someone is in the middle or they commit to the wrong side they're bigots. You're great.

yeah,that's it

What will you do if I provide a link?

There ya go. Ant himself saying they're FOR gay marriage. U mad, bro?

No need to get butthurt about Ant just because he's telling the truth.

This was one of the first times I though to myself "Wow, these guys are starting to sound like old curmudgeons." They were actually not sure legal weed was a good thing? Ok Grandpa.

Edit words

oh look- a whole load of faggots defending their idol Anthony who wouldn't give two fucks about them otherwise lol

Pretty much, he thinks if you work for living but are only pulling in 12 bucks an hour you're a leech.

I think any Live From the Compound will immediately stop any Fox career. I especially love the one where he's calling Bobo a nigger for no reason.

It's a bad one because aside from guns, low taxes and racism, he doesn't agree with Republicans on anything. Do you think the bible belt that listens to Hannity and Limbaugh wants to listen to a pro-gay marriage, pro-abortion radio host?