They're back! O&A's triumphant return @ 6:30 ET! Let's have a live listening thread!

27  2014-01-06 by mr__hat

I can't wait! I predict a tumultuous show.


His pre show is like playing your favorite porn video but ejaculating at the wrong time.

*ejaculating during a spontaneous close-up of the sweaty, mustached male.

Thats not where you are supposed to ejaculate?

Hence the word spontaneous...

sorry but do you plan your ejaculations. "hey babe you need to move in 2.3 seconds."

Can you edit for readability? I'm not sure what you're saying here

Here comes the pre...

O&A and Jimmy being in the studio while sam does his shitty preshow is the least climactic thing ever.

Is Opie really questioning why an anti-smoking ad might try to be shocking?

Just what we needed, more sam.

I don't understand when people say this. It's the same amount of Sam. It's just split up into two chunks.

yea but everyone knows the real show will be starting at 6:45-6:50 and ending 10:15 after a few weeks.

I think you mean nuggets

Hopefully, they'll be able to get real guests between 10-10:30, and can then just bleed through to 11. I have a feeling within a few weeks the last half hour will be extra time/worst of until the west coast replay. I like the move.

One of my favorite things is when Jimmy talks like he's a UFC insider shooting the shit about techniques, like he is part of that world.


"The pre-show and post-show are part of the show, so let's just call it The Show."

No, Sam, it's not. It's the Opie and Anthony show, not the Opie and Anthony and Sam show. The show starts again at 11:30.

Will they even start at 6:30 or will it be 6:58 and out the door at 10:10. These are the questions I ponder

Give it a few months. That'll be standard operating procedure.

I like Sam starting 'cos he kicks off at 6am, when usually the main show wouldn't start until around 6.15am anyway so it's live content earlier. And the main show is still 4 hours, so. I'm happy to have them back.


The shitshow is starting on time.

Media destination confirmed.


He is playing a lady di replay? What the fuck, sam?

Can you imagine how great it would be to have a live show replay clips of previously broadcasted show that gets replayed 5 times a day!

Make little "O&A channel" stickers to put over every instance of "Howard 100", then photocopy the manual = Creation of a Media Destination at SiriusXM.

There are things out there that are that easy. This isn't one of them.

Also Sal running the board? Pre-show practice for him? E-rock taking another week for himself?

Evading ivory poachers adds time to his commute.

At least he can outrun Roland.

Nagel probably isn't even there yet

He has nothing to work with.

Sam ran the reaction show. It is like a post-game analysis before the players arrive at the stadium.

Also Whoo Kid won't be there for three hours.

Plus, the amount of people awake to call in at 6-630 compared to 10-11 really hangs him out to dry.

His christmas spectacular show was quite literally 15 minutes of non-replay shit.

I leff thayton ohio with thwo bad kneesth

How soon before Sam Roberts is doing five minutes of News headlines at 6:00 and 6:15 as a prelude to ten minutes of edited-for-time clips of Yesterday's show?


Every caller: Love you love the show

Regardless good commentary on Ant's gambling situation

I think the Opster called it, "Same shit with a new coat of paint."

Here comes the PRE!

Who take over for Steven Knight on YouTube?

Can a lazy brotherman get a link?


Hi Sam! You know Opie is just sitting in the studio furiously waiting for his seat. Since he did say he comes in 20min. early.

"triumphant return" mentioned!

That must mean more Celebrity guests.

You know, like a 'real' radio show.

The pre-show is painfully unlistenable.

Here comes the Bobo and Sam PRE!

Sounds like I have an exciting show to tune in to later!


Of course the piece a' garbage app starts cutting out as soon as the Shit Show starts.

And BEFORE the new media destination, skipping commercials worked great. Today I kept skipping over 5 minutes of "back from commercial" talk.


Anyone know where I can start listing to this? The usual blog has stopped capping and I don't live in the USA :(


Just tuning in. Have they announced the 11am slot?

You should tune in. I think you'll recognise them

I hear they're going to be big!


I'm still remembered! will be posting segments from daily shows, but he will do it later than I did 'cos he doesn't record and edit during the show.

Today is my first day listening w/o recording in 9 months.

Love ya, miss ya

Thanks for all your uploads brotha!

I checked my YT upload feed thing and didn't see your habitual posts, saw your epilogue vid and wanted to cry quite frankly; thanks for making it so convenient for us brother, good man

It won't be the same. Guys like you are the true Good Eggs of the world.

Hey what's up Steven and man I guess I'm just spoiled I usually used to time perfectly the delay of when you would upload so I would listen on my phone as I start my day I guess I'll have to get used to it now and I shouldn't complain since it's free lol since you're hearing the show is it entertaining?

If the ghost of William Faulkner posted to /r/opieandanthony, it would look like this.

Why don't you stop being a leech and support the show you enjoy?

sorry man you're probably an older guy with a full time job but I'm still in college and I don't have any money to spare on buying the subscription but I've been a fan since I was 14 my dad used to have a sirius xm subscription but he cancelled it a few years ago

His leeching brought a huge audience to the show.

well idk if I want to subscribe to Sirius XM because I only listen to O&A and I'm 19 and I'm barely scraping money through college but do you think its worth it to subscribe especially with R&F gone

and yeah of course niggas remember you if a black man wanted to rape either you or my mom I would save you first

This is bad for many reasons.

sorry man

Steven Knight linked jasonayeiter and nothighestprimate in his goodbye video but I don't know the answer to your question. I'd love for someone to step into SK's shoes and get the show on Youtube quickly.

yeah normally it's already up on youtube because Steven Knight was awesome but now we'll have to wait

search out timmycakes88

thanks man

thank you!

A Colin Quinn phoner would make this show perfect. I'm excited for the new year, guys. Love the direction this show is headed. What are your thoughts?

I thought it was dull. Ant skated around the Borgata story of him acting like an animal at a high roller table.

Can someone pm me a link to the show?

Love ya, miss ya

Hey what's up Steven and man I guess I'm just spoiled I usually used to time perfectly the delay of when you would upload so I would listen on my phone as I start my day I guess I'll have to get used to it now and I shouldn't complain since it's free lol since you're hearing the show is it entertaining?

and yeah of course niggas remember you if a black man wanted to rape either you or my mom I would save you first

Thanks for all your uploads brotha!

His leeching brought a huge audience to the show.

well idk if I want to subscribe to Sirius XM because I only listen to O&A and I'm 19 and I'm barely scraping money through college but do you think its worth it to subscribe especially with R&F gone

sorry man you're probably an older guy with a full time job but I'm still in college and I don't have any money to spare on buying the subscription but I've been a fan since I was 14 my dad used to have a sirius xm subscription but he cancelled it a few years ago

I checked my YT upload feed thing and didn't see your habitual posts, saw your epilogue vid and wanted to cry quite frankly; thanks for making it so convenient for us brother, good man

It won't be the same. Guys like you are the true Good Eggs of the world.