Opie is just trolling us right? Has anyone bought one?

9  2014-01-06 by howie42


Something he would bash Howard for doing....

Also very odd that him and Stern picked up photography right around the same time.

Opie probably stole it from Howard hoo hoo

You're not supposed to sign on the print...

I'd rather have a signed Budweiser with Ant's name on it.

Maybe this is just a hobby for him separate from the show? He also gives out those sudoku puzzles every day that lots of people seem to want.

I've seen enough real people going nuts over fucking Sudoku puzzles so you can't really blame the guy for supplying the demand

I kind of want one of his Sudoku puzzles because it looks like from Twitter they also send you two WoW bumper stickers and an O&A WhooKid mixtape.

i bought all 75

really though he probably is selling these to give the money to his family

Maybe someone in his family, or a friend, took the picture, and Opie said he would sell it for them. It can't make enough money for it to really be worth it to Opie, but as a little hobby/favor, it's easy enough.

i think opie said someone came to him with the idea of selling his signed instagram photo

Yes! I'm pretty sure he is helping out some friend, who does prints and actually runs the webstore, a little by doing this. I don't get the hate. I would buy one in an instant if they shipped outside the US. Spend probably hundreds of hours listening to the show and this is would be pretty much the only way for me to have a nice presentable show related thing on my wall. And it seems that there are quite a few people who think the same way.

I'm not against it or anything, but I don't really get it either. I'm a huge fan of the show and listen every day, but I can't imagine wanting an autograph from anyone who's on the show. Then again, I'm not a big autograph guy. Maybe some people just like this stuff. Jimmy sure seems to be obsessed with memorabilia.

Jimmy hates horders, yet hoards memorabilia like it means something. Just like the garbage means something to the loons. I understand some of it has a dollar value, but that's not why he has it.

as long as he isn't wasting show time with it i don't see how i can shit on a guy for making some money. there are millions of people in the world that make money selling what I view as crap...keep on truckin, i say, right folks?

30 bucks every time you write your name isn't bad.


Opie the photog.

I don't get it. It's a picture of Times Square signed by Opie....how is this relevant to his fans? Like, a signed microphone or something might be cool....but I don't get this. Maybe he is indeed trolling.

They broadcast from New York

I know

I plan on buying another.