Let's be honest. Patrice was a genius, but...

0  2014-01-05 by UncPa57yrzyng

He had the worst taste in movies. Dude said that Avatar is "definitely better" then Star Wars, he loved the King Kong remake, Face-Off, and he loved the Planet of the Apes James Franco movie. He also thought Jeff Goldblum was good in Independence Day until Jimmy and Ant showed him how much he sucked. Patrice had a terrible taste in movies!


The James Franco planet of the apes was good, the rest were shit.

Patrice has admitted that he sometimes says shit just to piss people off. One time he mentioned that Hitchcock's movies were fucking shit. On a later show he said that he did that to piss people off and that you'd have to be a fucking moron to believe that. That Hitchcock was the greatest suspense maker ever.

True. One of my favorite moments of this was when Jay Mohr turned it around on him and told Patrice that he loved Demetri Martin knowing Patrice hated him. I was dying laughing.

Link to this? I've heard Demetri being an asshole to anyone outside that little clique-awkward but not awkward comics


'Black Man involved in 'Liking Shitty Movies' Shocker'

It's sort of the black man effect, I think Richard Pryor talks about it in one of his stand ups when talking about his trip to Africa. For some reason if you've ever been to a urban theater, African Americans are amazed at 3D or special effects more than anything. So if you have an old star wars film or even the new ones can't compare to Avatar in special effects, aside from the story line.

If you hear the Independence Day or face off shows, patrice is surprised and at times perplexed at how John travolta was Nicholas cage.

black man effect

Can confirm this is a real thing. Try this: ask a black guy if he likes <insert name of any movie with Leslie Nielsen in it>.

The word genius gets thrown around too fucking easy