Davey Mac Sports program is cancelled.

22  2014-01-05 by alexgough12

Just happened to turn it on, he said it was cancelled with a 50/50 shot of coming back in February.


suck and fuck my dick sirius!

Ridiculous. I fucking love that show. I specifically go to pick up my take out every Saturday night just to listen to it.

In before one of you tards says this is because Tim Sabien is working for Stern on the dl

How much does the show really cost! Its great and definitely has an audience!

It's most likely not a money issue. I think it's some channel house cleaning before shutting it down.

$500 a month according to Dave.

It's not about how much it costs to put on, but what HR thinks it could cost in liabilities. Dave is at his purest shock-jock form on the show, talking about diddling kids, raping women and, of course, sticking things up his ass. To HR, when considering cutting the fat, it's the perfect storm.

EDIT: Just want to say how much this fucking depresses me. I've been drinking a lot tonight. But, just how impersonal is "Human Resources" as a fucking job title... it just implies you're a fucking alien. Fuck em. It feels like the idea of 'funny' died a little tonight. And I just hope the news doesn't get worse.

Human Resources departments should be renamed to what they actually are. Corporate Protection Departments. Nothing they do anymore should be considered "human" or "resourceful"

It's Orwellian. The Ministry of Employment, in charge of denying people jobs. Fucked up.

There's no way you've actually read 1984 if you think that cancelling a radio show is 'Orwellian'.

I'm talking about the idea of HR you fucking simpleton.

Hahahahahaha you mad eh? Hate to break it to you buddy but you should actually do a little more research if being angsty is going to be your phase during these awkward teenage years.

You're retarded.

fuck man, what do you gotta do to keep a show on the air in this shit hole?

they are just slowly dismantling

This was just posted by @HSRadioshow (High Society Radio) https://twitter.com/HSRadioshow/status/419682271692861440

Hey all check us out live next sat 7 EST on Sirius 206/XM 103 #bigballerstatus

haha Pepper and Bronx Johnny are fuckin with Dave

That, or they're using that 7-9 spot to rotate other shows, and HSRadio is the first. Unlikely, but possible.

they're using the spot to give you a lesson in understanding how sirius works.

This rant on /r/ronandfez is great


Really cuts to the core. I've only been a listener for a quarter of their career, but I'm really getting a Season-Five-Hank-found-out-shit's-going-down-soon doom and gloom that I never felt before.

Yeah it feels like Sirius/XM are calling O&A on their "we're gonna walk" contract bluff months in advance. It's like in Seinfeld when Play Now tried to get George to give up his contract by boarding up his office and cutting the AC.

I'm interested to see if O&A are in on the changes directly, complicit in it, or wholly opposed to them. I've been listening for over 10 years, and it would be uncharacteristic of them to just take this lying down if they're opposed to it. If they're not, then it's probably a done deal already and they're done with satellite.


No more chinky????

It's not cancelled, it's on an indefinite hiatus for January. It may return in February. Chances are that it's done, though. I give it a 1.5% chance of returning. Good luck, bro!

So it's only 98.5% cancelled.

So you're saying there's a chance....

What's happening with the other shows on the channel? (Dr Steve, Friends of the Show... Um... Am I missing any others?)

Dr. Steve seemed concerned on twitter. His show last night wasn't live.

Sounds more like someone needs three weeks off and wants to generate a little buzz.

I'm glad, Davey Mac Sports was the worst 2 hours of radio. It was like listening to a retarded kid after letting it drink a pot of coffee.

bye bye stunt boy faggot

not liking a person is one thing, but being a fag about it is the other...

I think planet_bullshit is being kind.




Score One for knowing talent when it isn't there.

SiriusXM FTW!!!

Enjoy 2 more hrs of nothing, stupid.

Anything is better than two hours (or two minutes) of that jizzbag.