Do you think Ant's mad?

28  2014-01-04 by AgbayanisHead


Does Anyone remember funny nice guy Anthony? It seems ever since Melinda dumped him. Anthony has become crazy angry guy.

Who's Melinda? Or did you mean Melissa? No sarcasm, I seriously don't know I'm a new fan

Melinda was Ant's girl from 99-08. She was goofy but lovable. Ant wasn't into guns or all this racial stuff when she was around. She dumped him after Giants won SB and Ant's been angry ever since.

Melinda was Ant's longtime girlfriend. Before all the other ones and the 17 ("hey it's the age of consent in NY") year olds.

Check out when Ant, Melinda and East Side Dave stumble into the Ron and Fez show. Dave was late because he was hanging out with Ant and Melinda.

Yeah, Ant's the kind of guy that needs someone to just slightly keep him in check.

Some people don't have the ability to control themselves without outside influence.

he needs a girl in his life who will sacrifice her body & mouth for the rights of ALL animals. not just the cute & cuddly ones like beavis

I miss Melinda. She was such a sweet girl.

I blame the money. They say no man becomes wealthy without becoming an asshole

Things changed for the worse when he bought his mansion in Rosyln Heights. In his delusional alcohol and Xanax filled mind he now had his palace for all of his so-called friends to kiss his ass in.

There's another 'shock jock' doing the same thing. Out here on the West Coast, Tom Leykis bought a compound and goes on the radio extolling the wonders of watching TV all alone in a giant mansion while shit-faced.

I'm not buying it, as Lou Reed wrote "pristine isolation might not be the best idea, it's not good trying to immortalize yourself."

Is Ant really on pills bro?

He has mentioned it before but to be fair I don't know if he still takes them or not.

I'm assuming the line Ant said before this was... "Blackjack please"


I know, how crazy is Anthony for being pissed at a dealer who's fucking with him by slow rolling? Slow rolling is when a player knows they've won but they've seen too many poker films so they take their time in letting the opponent know they've won. It's one of the most annoying things you can do while playing cards, the equivalent of doing a touchdown dance yelling "IN YO FACE NIGGA!!". Going by his timeline, the dealer did it three times before Anthony lost his shit. And he wasn't in some out of the way place, he was in the borgata where he's frequently comped.

Yeah, I hate slow rollers in poker, but I get why they do it - to put you on tilt, and it works. BUt in a casino table game that shouldn't happen. They're supposed to be courteous while they take your money. That said, his anger issues are still hilarious and I wish I was there to watch him lose his shit.

Slow rolling sounds hilarious. Taking some suckers money and his pride?! Poker would be interesting if it had more of that.

he's such a whiny faggot, guy makes millions and still manages to bitch about every little part of his day, he thinks he's fucking elvis and should get special treatment everywhere when in reality he does a radio show that a small group of people listen to/know about.

what a sad sad man


If it wasn't this it would be something else. The man has lost it.

Ugh, stalker patty is even horrible in tweet form

Aw she's the best regular female on the damn show.

Very low bar, sure, but still. I love when she tears into Sandy and Di for being creeps and lowlifes.

It's so weird to see her referred to as Patricia Brooks.

me: I wish she'd jump in a brook.

You: And thereby get her feet wet?


She's like fuckin Patty Levy with those ass-kissing tweets.

She looks like Howard a little...

Holy fuck is that who that is replying like a motherfucker. She really is that annoying in real life too

"Benefit of the doubt". So here's exactly what happened. He did something wrong and someone complained. His unbelievable entitlement makes him think "how dare they try to call me on anything I did, I'm a rich white man".

And now he's calling random people cunts like he's in high school. What a piece of shit.

P.B.A cards don't work in casinos.

even money that this is exactly what happened.

Almost exactly.

I'm sure he was wasted, and Ant seems like one of those people who refuses to acknowledge that they may have behaved poorly while inebriated.... like his ex-wife.

Maybe he was saying racist things and got what he deserved!

Whatever probably dumped 100k+ there so should be allowed to get away with pretty much murder imo tbh

You fuckin' momo!

I wonder if the problem was him acting like an asshole and spitting on the floor.

He's a fancy man, why should the rules apply to him?

Sounds like his little FH Riley's tantrum.

That one was extremely embarrassing.

He does seem to get over his skis a little bit when he has been over-served. Happens to the best of us.

What was that one? I missed it.


2014-01-04 12:52:57 UTC

The #Borgata needs to give me the benefit of the doubt over some fuckwad & his CUNT girl when they have a problem at the table. I've HAD IT!

[Mistake?] [Suggestion] [FAQ] [Code] [Issues]

Not about race or politics. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

Sweet! Content for Mondays show!

Let's hope they were black for an additional 45 minute tirade.

Damn I hope this doesn't bump the Jay Mohr/Alyssa Milano kerfuffle!

It's the dealers fault he lost in a game where the house holds the advantage. I wonder what Jimmy thinks of him trashing one his biggest venues

Jimmy is the beta.

So Ant is an alpha? Since when?



For a guy who's always bitching that everybody should be treated the same...he gets real cranky when he didn't get the special treatment because he's got money.

Bored millionaire trying to fill the void In his heart with gambling, guns, and women that are 30 years younger than him. It's almost a bit depressing. Almost. I don't really care. They're on the fucking radio.

Actually closer to 40 years younger

52-19 = 33

Bored millionaire filling his time with awesome things? That poor guy. Its too bad he didnt have a family so he could go to bed early after watching mad about you reruns and be truly happy.

The thing that gets me is that he's actually getting legitimately angry at people on twitter.

Yeah but he's always been angry. Just because he has money now doesn't mean that he stops being argumentative.

George! I recorded mad about you!

Drinking like your average street bum after suffering a heart attack is an awesome thing?

to the Anthony Zealots it's fucking awesome.


He never had a heart attack, he had a stent put in.

Yeah he had a stent installed as part of his post heart attack surgery. It's a common procedures and I'm sure it's highly recommended for him not to drink like Nic Cage in Leaving Las Vegas

When the hell did this happen?!

In the haters' imaginations.

To be fair, he was a lot happier when he was with Melinda.

With the right person, going to bed early after watching 'Mad about You' reruns can be surprisingly satisifying. Methinks Ant is burned-out on relationships and won't even consider the possibility of having one, after getting raped in a divorce and having a few of relationships go south.

sounds like you do care. A lot.

I wish Patrice could be there Monday...I have no idea what went on at the Bogata, but I'm sure he'd be able to spin it to make Ant look like a cunt.

Holy shit, enough already. Everything would be better if Patrice was alive. WE GET IT.

Patrice would have had a better retort.

Seriously, every day somebody has to wish Patrice was still around. Understood.

Except for the self-esteem of chinese food delivery drivers and moderately attractive women.

wish I was as cool as you

The dealer was slow rolling, I.E. not showing blackjack immediately when she checks the cards in the mirror.

can someone explain to me like i'm erock why this is bad?

Because it slows the game down. People go to casinos to gamble, not for the ambiance. Blackjack means the dealer wins, so you move on to the next hand. Not showing it right away means the players are playing for nothing.

so do dealers do it on purpose to throw off winning players? i don't see the point i guess.

Less hands cools the table. If the players are on a streak, it slows them down and makes the casino lose less money.

heh maybe in the eyes of degenerate gamblers. Scientifically that is utter nonsense. There is no such thing. <--- doesn't apply but just to illustrate how gamblers think

Not really. It's psychological. Even people who play purely by a system can get spooked and make a mistake. Even if they don't, it changes their mood and nudges them to make decisions that lose money. Maybe the table cools off and a gambler gets pissed off and moves to another table to "make up their losses".

nochinzilch is right he mit blackjohn team elite player imo

yeah that's what i figured. thanks for the explanation.

lol oh my god

I think this is something different, the dealer thing happen earlier in the day. This looks like it was someone gambling at the same table with Ant.

gj w/ reading comprehennison

Almost exactly.

I'm sure he was wasted, and Ant seems like one of those people who refuses to acknowledge that they may have behaved poorly while inebriated.... like his ex-wife.


So Ant is an alpha? Since when?