Who is Running Lil' Beavis' twitter? @beaviscumia

0  2014-01-02 by [deleted]


not sure but im pretty positive its mr maloonigans

What kind of dog is Mr. Maloonigans?

He-he.. I've told you this before.. he's a schnoodle, awright?

i love that, lately its "ive said this a million times" then he still answers

a million toyyyymes

Uh-da-do-do-nooo...I'm nawt sayin' it awl-roight..bluggh...yew goys ask me this every-toime..
his name is bistuh baloonigans..he's a beagle and a poodle..he-he-he's a schnewwdle awlroight...guh...

Apology girl

I'm gunna guess Lady Trucker?

She is a fat, disgusting, pig, and an attention whore on top of that.

Judith Ballou

Idk... Ant says it isnt him... but a twitter account for a cat? Sounds like either a crazy alcoholic guinea gun toting nazi or his teenage girlfriend. Most likely the girlfriend, but its probaly their little couple thing they do together. Like some go antiquing or tandem bike riding in the park, they prob like to sit next to the fire and spout their drunken racist ideologies to the world through an adorable cats twitter account

If it's not Judith tweeting beyond the grave then Apology Girl is a definite possibility. Tweeting from a fake cat account sounds much more fun than going out like a normal teenager does

I think it's just a fan of the show.

How has nobody posited that the one running the twitter account is Lil' Beav himself?

You got me. Goddamnit.