Jimmy's GOTTA have some endorsement deal with Hot Cans right? He tweets something like this all the time

23  2014-01-01 by [deleted]


Nothing better than having some dude who just got done sticking his tongue in some trannys asshole promoting your beverage.

Remember when Jimmy brought up that he wanted to bring a sponsor to the Advice Show and Sirius wanted like 100K from them? I'm wondering now if it is the Hot Cans?

This actually seems spot on.

Guess he doesn't have the fuck-you money Patton Oswalt does.


Well look how it got people talking about their product.

Isn't his radio contract something like at least half a mil a year in pay? For shit's sake he works 4 or 5 hours a day and makes that.

I don't know what his financial situation is. I'm guessing he's doing well, its not like he has a family or an expensive hobby to support as far as I know. How much can he really be making for a few tweets about hot cans anyway?

He is just trying to diversify. Can't blame him can you. I would buy one if I saw them in the store just to check them out.

I don't mind him making money by doing advertisements. I'm not one to shun someone for "selling out to the corporations... maan." I just think its a little misleading and dishonest to disguise a paid advertisement as if its a personal tweet.

Maybe he likes the soup. If he eats the soup after the tweet are you still mad? It not like you have a personal relationship with Jim Norton. Twitter is almost exclusively about self promotion.

Like i said before in this thread, I'm a little puzzled why he would do something like this, and I don't know the full story behind why he would do this. Whether he liked the soup or not is irrelevant. If he wasn't trying to be misleading why not mention he has a paid sponsorship? What's the harm in disclosing that he's a paid spokesman?

Tweeting about a brand you like is something I would expect from a Kim Kardashian type but not Jim Norton or Patton Oswalt who very effusively talk about honesty in their stand up and on the radio. Like I said before it is puzzling and as a fan I would love to hear Jim's talk about it on the radio or somewhere.

Maybe he is contractually obliged to not break the forth wall. Maybe he doesn't care if you can't see through the gimmick of an endorsement. He is not betraying your trust. He is an entertainer.

The hypothetical you keep proposing are getting weirder and weirder. The fourths wall? Do you know what that means? What kind of realism needs to be maintained? The realism that Jim's character likes hot cans? Didn't you just purpose the hypothetical "what if he really does likes the product?" Which one is it? Whether or not Jim is contractually obligated to do something is irrelevant to the point I'm making because ultimately Jim is responsible for the contracts he signs. Also, whatever Jim does or doesn't care about, which you seem to always hypothetically know, is also irrelevant to the point I'm making.

The point you are making is that is seems dishonest to you. Congratulations. I guess my shortest response would be "So what?"

I enjoy discussing different ideas with people about the show here, if you ask me a question I love to talk about things which I thought we were doing but I never solicited your opinion. If you have such a strong opinion why not make a stand alone comment or better yet start a post of your own? You were the one who kept asking me questions, and kept the conversation alive, normal it dies after a day or so. If you disagree with me, that totally okay and normal. I thought I was fair and didn't trash Jim nearly as much as other people in this thread, whether you agree with that or not is none of my business.

I think you are a little unclear of the fact that I want nothing from you and am not asking for anything from you.

I get it. I really do. I'm just replying to you and not any other threads precisely because you don't seem to be a ranting knuckle dragger. I am still curious why it bothers you that Jim Norton would be hawking HotCans? Again, I am not trolling or trying to be a dick (doesn't mean I won't succeed). All I have read is that you feel it's dishonest compared to his comedy. I don't see how. To me, a comedy performance is an act even if it draws from some truthful personal experiences. So, having him do twitter commercials is not a money grab or him being dishonest. (again.. to me)

And many times when you post something to the entire internet to see you will get a response whether or not you really want it or are asking for it. I just see it as an opportunity for dialog.

I like discussing these things, you've made me think about this much more in depth then I normally would. I guess I just misunderstood what you meant by "so what?" in your last post, I did think you were trolling. I now understand that you aren't.

Yes in the overall picture this whole thing is relatively benign, as far as misleading business practices go this is nothing. What I take issue with is that it's the type of marketing that relies on dishonesty. The context is Jim's personal tweets which are usually jokes or to promote himself. He's allowing the advertiser to hijack the credibility of his twitter. Yes if you know much about twitter you can figure out he's probably paid, but that's not a given. If the context of his twitter was that he constantly tweets about brands he likes, like other celebrities do, I would find it more honest.

If he just mentioned it, even on the radio or somewhere, I would find it more honest, maybe he gives a little wink here and there but so what. Yes I bet it's in the contract, which Jim is ultimately responsible for signing, that he can't talk about it. Its in there for a specific reason, the company wants to use Jim's twitter to maintain the illusion that Jim is being honest about Hot cans, that its just another tweet he would normally tweet. The clause is there simply to make the whole process dishonest because admitting he has a working relationship with them for money wouldn't be "cool." They probably believe covert marketing is more effective in this case.

If Jim did a normal commercial in the context of a paid advertisement like a radio read or a TV ad I would have no issue with it. Even if the twitter ad was something funny and totally on-point with Jim's twitter I would understand his decision. Yes Jim needs to make money, but I think he has enough financial freedom to be able to make better creative decisions. Jim may like hot cans but I doubt he likes promoting the product, and I certainly doubt he would do it for free.

I would also equate this unfunny hack tweet, I don't mean to be as harsh as it sounds, to if Jim did an unfunny hack TV show. You expect something like that from Ryan Seacrest but not from Jim, hes more creative then that, not that he isn't allowed to do bad TV shows but its totally fair to criticize him for it as he has done with others.

If Jim was going through a divorce or was somehow or other trapped creatively I would understand (it's is possible that he is and he really needs the money so I give him some benefit of the doubt, but not a lot). Even so O&A and Jim make fun of this type of behavior a lot so I think its fair to criticize Jim for it. I'm also a little puzzled as I doubt Jim is making great money for this. If he was making life changing money his credibility might be worth a temporary hit, but he can't be making enough money on this that it will have any affect on his lifestyle or the business decisions he makes in the future.

Make no mistake I'm a big fan of Jim and this doesn't make me want to shun him or anything I just am a little miffed at why he would do something that seems unnecessary and in my opinion that is a little dishonest and kind of hack. I understand people might not agree with what I have to say and that is totally fine. Honestly I am totally rooting for Colin to find out about this and give Jim a good bashing.

Fuck-you money or creative integrity.

Patton got dat network-tv royalties money. King of Queens rerun like a motherfucker.

It is a little puzzling why he would do something like this.

How is this puzzling? Aren't you annoyed by twitter adds?

It is puzzling because I do not know the full story behind why he chose to do this.

Who? Patton?


That's a little excessive lol.

I don't get it.

He tweets about it all the time. That's the only connection I could make.

Hint: Anthony.

Of course he does; those posts are especially sarcastic to make it obvious. It's not like he's trying to pull the wool over your eyes.

He mentioned that he brought a company looking for advertising to Sirius and they turned it down. I think this is what he was talking about.

You can't put a limit on my cafe lattes, it says so right here!



and yet he doesn't understand why he isn't famous or as big as he thinks he should be.....

I think he understands why. He never asks why he's not more popular ever.

Good for him. I hope he's making a couple bucks.


It looks like it, either that or he's just becoming unfunny

I believe he's said before that he has an endorsement deal with them.

$23? Geez you could buy a microwave for that

That's for 12 lol

What the fuck? Why would you buy a $23 microwave?

To put foil in the science oven.

Relevant Sidebar Image.

Look Jimmy loves soup and he's not selling his instagram photos

How fuckin lazy of a product is that, and the chemicals, it's also been available in Japan for decades.

Then go to Japan and buy them. It's an American company selling them in America. Did they claim they invented them first?


Do you have a beard that covers your neck?

Just going to the jem. Goowan to the jem and aten better. Joost aten me soup with my shart off, totally natural.


Great, now whenever I hear Jimmy I'll be thinking of his hot can.

I saw these at the grocery store a few days ago and specifically didn't buy them because of the stupid pictures that Jimmy posts of his hot can.


Would love to see him land that big Go-Gurt account as well.


What bothers me most is ny isn't even fucking cold. What a fucking nancy.

Those things are so goddamn awful. I guarantee you Jimmy isn't actually drinking them.

Maybe he just wanted free take anywhere you travel hot soup.


2014-01-01 20:38:04 UTC

Someone stole my coat! Thank goodness I have Hot-Can SELF HEATING beverages. #Lifesaver, #IAlmostDiedForPetesSake pic.twitter.com [Imgur]

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