"I have never said I'm not a Racist"

0  2014-01-01 by [deleted]


1:09:30 in

Found this gem today.. Anthony admitting that he is indeed a racist. Recently he's been trying to say otherwise, but here you go people. This is from several years back and it could be what started it all. Ant vowed that day to never be owned in a racial debate again. Burr killed him here.


Who gives a fuck?

Bc these days he gets offended if people refer to him as a racist..

No he doesn't. You need to get your ears checked.

I wonder what would happen if some organization applied pressure on SiriusXM to either get Ant to dial it down the racist content, or get rid of him altogether. How would that scenario play itself out?

You realize if they were as big as they say they are, as some of you tend to believe, this would have happened ages ago. No show with even a moderately large audience would be able to get away with what is said by Anthony alone. The right clip to the right people and it's over. The show is small and irrelevant so nobody really cares. Mancow has and would make more waves.

They'd get rid of him in an instant.

Zilches that nobody know have been fired from their jobs for one suspect Tweet


if somebody decided to go after Ant he would be finished.

Not that I would drop that dime, but . . . it's tempting, isn't it.

He's not even white.

The guy is almost 60. Give him a break.

Good find.

Anthony is NOT racist in the same way Al Sharpton is not a fraudulent race baiting piece of shit.

But he is . . . which means Ant is a racist, no?

They're just both really too far gone into their own view. Even if they're correct about certain shit it's overshadowed by the fact that it's ALL they ever talk about. They're just on opposite sides of the spectrum.

He's talked about this before.

Basically, 'racist' is a very loaded term. To some people it means something benign, like preferring one's own kind over others - like how most people date someone of their same ethnicity. To some people it means you're part of an underground hate group and are actively seeking to harm others. And for a growing number of people, being racist is like the worst sin/crime you can commit. As crazy as it sounds, a hate crime where a simple assault took place can potentially get you more time in prison than an actual murder. So I think he's stepping back from labeling himself as a racist, because it's not worth any misunderstandings.

Ant's idea of a racist is anyone who's participated in at least three lynchings in the last year. Short of that, you're okay in his book.

No racism is if you believe another race is inferior to you own. It's not that difficult.

How are you going to determine that? Read people's minds? You completely missed the point.