Best interviews of 2013?

1  2013-12-31 by RzK

Aside form the terrific and lively interview with Jenna Jameson, what interviews stood out to all of you.

My personal favorite: Neil deGrasse Tyson


Tim Conway.


Trace Atkins, I had no idea he was the biggest badass on the planet.

The detective who broke the Dahmer case was great, Patrick Kennedy.

Neil Degrasse Tyson as well.


any non celeb ones are usually always good, i love when they have someone in who has knowledge on a piece of history instead of hearing about themselves.

i remember not wanting the dahmer case guy to leave, i also enjoyed opies urban explorer friend, he had good stories.

The Dahmer detective was 2013? That seemed like forever ago.

Yeah that detective also died this year.

Jim and Sam had some good interviews this year. Obviously Jenna Jameson but they also did a pretty decent job with Ben Kingsley and Gervais too.

Don't know if this would classify as 'best' interview but Ant letting himself get schooled by Piers Morgan was good radio.

Roger Daltrey was such a let down, but eh waddayagonnado.

I honestly don't think Ant was "schooled" at all. From what I remember, Piers' argument wasn't convincing in the least

Then you obviously share Ants views

I'm open minded enough to admit "hey, that's a good point," but I think most of Piers' arguing points were refutable

Ant stunk that day, he fell for Piers' debate tricks. He could've beheaded him if he stuck on topic, but Piers derailed him and I seem to remember them ending up just talking about 1776, or whether the people who wrote the constitution would foresee drones etc. instead of Ant's EPIDEMIC of black crime.

Tim Conway definitely, and I really liked the Guillermo del Toro interview. The Doug Stanhope AA debate was fascinating, don't know if you'd call it an interview or guest, he's on less than once a year.


Was Johnny Rotten on this year or last year?

This year for sure.

It was 10-10-2012 , I'm listening to it on youtube now, it's great.

Here's part 1...

FUCK! Damn this past year flew.

It certainly did, I thought this interview was in about april/may.

I'm trying to think of guys that were unexpectedly cool Terrence Howard Ethan Hawke Not really an interview but GoGo during the gay off Dan Akroyd was pretty cool Jeffrey Tambor

These were all good, but the Scott Thorsen interview was right up there too. He may have been full of bologna, but they got a lot out of him.

Guillermo del toro was a surprisingly awesome interview as well. He was really cool.

Wow, how could I forget that one. The guy had crazy stories from drug cartels to his fucked up house.

I thought his interview was great too. He was funny, smart and told interesting stories. For a blockbuster film director he seemed really down to earth and hung with the guys well.

Tom Sizemore for me. Jimmy putting his ego on the line as an addiction expert, trying to do a serious interview, and then getting shut down was great.

And Neil deGrasse Tyson isn't funny or interesting. If you have studied physics, don't care for pop-science because you know it is trivial knowledge, and know that the 'Problem of Evil' isn't a unique perspective that's "his," his interview is a snooze fest. Fuckin Ope and Ant fake-laughing along with his Dr. Hibbert laugh deserves mockery.


Hands down Neil Degrade Tyson


Neil Stanhope?


The drunk guy who jokes about the stars.

You mean Doug Stanhope?

Justin Long on the aftershow. Was laughing my ass off at that one. He was actually fun and pretty unfiltered. Whoo Kid was there as well. I couldn't find it with a 5 second youtube search though. I'm sure its there somewhere.

The Amanda Peet interview


Oh shut the fuck up with the Neil DeGrass Tyson shit! A good 33% of the internet consists of Neil DeGrass Tyson interviews. It's getting to the point where it's hard to escape him, and his appearance on O&A was the same old shit; blah blah stars, blah blah planets, blah blah the universe is big... WE HEARD YOU!

TIM CONWAY, on the other hand, hasn't been heard from in THIRTY FUCKING YEARS. This guy is as old and decrepit as "Grandpa" in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but he came into that studio with a FUCKING FIRE AXE and DESTROYED THE PLACE IN TEN MINUTES! What other guest has left the boys sweating and gasping for air the way Conway did? That was the most epic interview the show will ever have, unless maybe if a guest stabs themselves in the heart live on the air someday.

You blubbering slobs.

You'll get nowhere with that attitude here, reddit is fag-central for DeGrasse Tyson, but you're right, he fucking stinks.

Hey we geddit ya downvoting creeps, you want a modern-day Carl Sagan of your very own, to have and to hold, and this cunt's clumsy attempts at lightweight pop-science poetry are the best you can find, but this doesn't alter the fact he's paper-thin.

It doesn't really work when you can so plainly see the mechanics, when you can so easily figure the plan from working a planetarium to speaking tours, he's a book-tour, empty suit, self-publicist for Daily Show viewers that can't handle the simple arithmetic of an old Feynman book.

Guillermo del Toro was a lot of fun, Stanhope ragdolling Norton, and Conway motherfucking the room.

I agree, Stanhope is one of my top three favorite comics. But for the sake of complete disclosure I have to say that I don't exactly hate Tyson, I'm just fucking sick of having to wade through all of the adolescent fanboy precum that swirls around him. He's made two appearances that I really enjoyed.

One was when he went on that half-witted new-age blabbermouth, Joe Rogan's podcast. It was funny and refreshing to see Rogan afraid to start spouting his conspiracy theory bullshit at Tyson because he knew he couldn't get away with bullying him. He really tucked his dick between his legs and sat there like a well behaved little bitch with Tyson.

It was especially funny because several months before that I was railing against Rogan in /r/videos and had said that I'd like to see him in a real, formal debate with rules and a moderator, against someone like Tyson. That poscast not only gave me what I'd asked for but also proved that a moderator wasn't even needed to keep Rogan in line when he's up against an expert who laughs off his bullshit.

The other thing Tyson said once that I really enjoyed was about when he dies he wants to be buried in order to give some resources back to the earth. Cremation is bullshit because it just uses more energy and prevents the worms from having a meal. I agree, and it made me start seriously thinking about having a "sky burial" (the Tibetan practice of chopping up one's body and feeding it to vultures) when I die.

James Gates is way better than Tyson.

I listened to the Neil deGrasse Tyson interview, and I had to look him up to figure out who he was. And it was a pretty terrible interview. I didn't laugh once, but Opie and Anthony seemed to laugh a few hundred times... I was trying to figure out why there were two holes on the show.

If you listen to Tyson for the jokes,you are a typical O&A fan.

Yeah, you're right. That's stupid of me to expect O&A to have a funny or socially relevant interview, and for them to not laugh at things that aren't funny. With such gems as Tyson teaching us that F=ma, or that he's not religious simply because of the Problem of Evil, I'm sorry I wasn't enthralled with the brilliance of the conversation.