So if Ant loves Hitler so much

0  2013-12-28 by oandasuperfan

does Ant not like Jewish people? I don't understand his fascination when he never says anything derogatory about them.


Tss tss...If Ant loves Hitler so much, why doesn't he, like, marry him or something? Double Holocausts, cocksuckah!

Why wouldn't you just post this in the other thread? Do you really need the individual attention that much?

he said,in the past,that he likes jewish plp as some are their neighbors or sumeth'

I don't think he actually "Loves Hitler"

citation needed

Ant does not love Hitler. He does says things that are racist and I think to a certain degree is, but for the most part, the Hitler stuff/ blatant racist jokes/ etc. He is baiting and trolling people. He is 'selling' the gimmick and does a pretty good job at making it fun/ funny.

Right and I doubt ants Afro headed family would have been accepted in hitlers Europe

When has Ant ever said he loves Hitler? The other post just shows how much he dislikes Sharpton but he was still being hyperbolic.

He's a fan of the era.