I'm not ashamed to admit that I squealed a little bit when I got this email.

1  2013-12-28 by [deleted]


Be sure to add this to your resume when you apply to a new job



Here comes the pre!

Jim Jeffries RT me once and I got a tingly feeling in my genitals.


Okay, faggot what's next?

My few vain attempts to get RT'd by colin have been unsuccessful. Little Jimmy however RT'd my one and only tweet at him. Felt Goodman

Colin retweeted my first 2 tweets ever. Mine as well retire

its just that weird time in history where you can talk to celebs, i think we'll get over it soon enough and celebs will become less of a big deal.

I've got a few replies from Ant, RTs by Jimmy and Colin and a favorite by DeRosa. I'm almost a part of the crew.

I can't wait for The Amazing Johnathan to retweet me. I'm gonna log on to reddit and make a bragging thread about it when it finally happens.

Tl;Dr op is a fag.