"Jesse Jackson is more offensive than Hitler." ?!

26  2013-12-28 by [deleted]


Holy shit does no one get what Anthony meant? He was making an extreme exaggeration, the same way Jesse Jackson made one saying that the Duck Dynasty guy was worst than Rosa Parks bus driver. For fucks sakes.

No, because most of us don't follow or obsess over everything Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton say because we know they're both inconsequential pundits.


...You do know this is the Opie and Anthony subreddit, right?

What did he say?


rosyyoshi is more racist than that Jesse Jackson fellow.

just cos a word is of indian origin (dots, not feathers), he feels like he can spell it however he likes.

I was referencing Anthony's mistake with that word. Guess I'm the only one who remembers that little moment, when he got embarrassed because he thought the term was news pundint. But thanks anyway for the down votes, fellas

This show has always had some extremely retarded fans.

No, only your eyes were able to discern this masterful display of hyperbole.

Oh literal fucktard.

The Anthony haters on this sub (i.e. die hard liberals) are not very bright.

It's the liberal's fault, mannnnn….

Hilter would not have liked Anthony.

Hitler liked Jesse Owens better than Cumia.

Hitler would have loved Anthony. An on-air bra bombing would have changed the tide of the war.


I'll take tongue in cheek, trolling tweets for 500 Alex.

so jesse is confirming that slavery is no longer the worst american thing then? sweet. that took forever.

We were all waiting for a middle aged white man to clear that up for us. Thank god it wasn't Mr. Cumia.

glad i could help, nigga.

The Anthony "I'm a fan of the era -wink-" stuff is my least favorite thing about the show.

It's not funny, it's just kind of deplorable.

He's just catering to his audience.

"HES GOT A TON OF MONEY AND FUCKS HOT GIRLS AND IS WAY COOLER THAN YOU, AND GUNS!"-every ant fan that for some reason thinks ant gives a shit about them.

he's just a stupid wop, hitler would have wiped him out in a second, he isnt even in one of purer white nationalities like german, irish, swedish...he's dark skninned.

Ha ha, judging the way Hitler treated Mussolini, you are definitely right. But the Ant nuthuggers are not the most nuanced segment of the population.

Haha fucking ant needs to get out of the house.

No way, too many wetbacks and spooks to scare him. Better stay holed up in the McMansion

I'd say that's believable.

No one really bothers to get offended by Hitler anymore, but people still care about Jesse Jackson (Like Anthony).

No one really bothers to get offended by Hitler anymore

Hundreds of thousands of living Holocaust survivors and their family would like a word with you, cunt.

What I'm saying is that there isn't a debate.

Lots of people hate Hitler, but that isn't the same as taking offense.

At least Hitler was honest about his intentions.

Heard Gregg has bitched behind the scenes about the racist overtones on the show. I expect a toned down Ant in their contract year of 2014

Liar, whore, liar, whore and you know it.

Did ya?

Think he's right on this one. There was a moment a few weeks ago. Jimmy was bitching about something and said (paraphrasing) "...real reason they're not pushing the show forward," and Opie said, "The racial stuff?" Then Jimmy started to say something else and Opie cut him off. So, I could believe Opie is getting tired of the racial stuff.

Opie is a race traitor

I'm not sure there's ever been a millionaire celebrity with so little self esteem

Has he weighed in on the Brooklyn mall riot yet?

The guy is almost sixty. It's time foe him to let go.

I'd agree. Wtf does Jesse have to do with the Duck Dynasty issue. Nothing. He's an irrelevant fucktard that just wants to insert himself for the publicity. And his group demanding to meet with the CEO'S of A&E and Crackerbarrell, again Wtf. Can't wait for Jesses response to A&E reversing it's decision on Phil Robertson.


I know what he said, I just don't see how it's relevant to Jackson. He wasn't there so has no idea about the individual people Robertson was talking about. That's the problem with people like Jackson, Sharpton etc. They insert themselves into situations where they have no business just because they think they know how anyone of their race felt at any given moment.

I hate that nigger

Considering Anthony's views on Hitler (an okay guy!) this shouldn't be too much of a surprise I guess.

I don't understand how some people don't comprehend hyperbole, especially in an ONA thread.

Every time something racist is said on the show, it means less time for Anthony to make fun of Linda Lavin. Should we exist in a world where Anthony cannot destroy the hated actress of 'Alice' on a daily--nay, hourly--basis?

Because Jesse Jackson killed millions?

Neither of them killed millions illegally.


Well Sarah Palin isn't racist or at least not publicly. She's just dumb.


Oh yeah I agree with that but anyone who is a part of the media is out for attention and a lot of them will stoop to pretty low levels to get that attention. Most are sensationalist assholes with their own self serving agenda.

Racists like him are the reason I rarely go on twitter. What a miserable fuck

I know. MSNBC gave him a job, can you believe it?

Are you a former producer? What's your beef with Cumia, because it's getting uncomfortable to see your obsessive posts.

Agreed. It's very pathetic

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