Will the show still be mornings when it comes back on the sixth?

0  2013-12-26 by jermh


Yes. They would have said something on air before leaving if it wasn't.

You're right they would've been promoting it if they were.

Anthony has said publicly that his contract is for mornings only, and he will never move to afternoons. That can only change after October, which is when/if they renew their contract.

He can't be at work when school gets out.

AM kindergarten.

October 2014?


Contracts can easily be changed if both parties are in agreement. If they throw more money at him or give him something else he wants, Anthony will do afternoons.

or give him something else he wants

I don't think SXM has many 15 year old girls at their disposal.

I hope so.

seems likely, afternoons would be too good to be true, i think everyone on the show would be less whiney and bitchy, everyones always in a better mood at noon than at 6am.

i mean they are always in a better mood at the end of the show, maybe ant will be less cranky, maybe thats why ron is so laid back.

How the fuck will we know?