Santa's fanciest, classiest, and cutest elf

58  2013-12-25 by [deleted]


Here comes Tranny Claus, here comes Tranny Claus

Its how I imagine Bochetti jerking off

I was 90% sure this was going to be trick shot. It wasn't. Still disappointed.

Say what you want about the Opster, but he's got a talent for video editing. I guess that liberal arts college at Geneseo managed to teach him something.

The ivy league of the suny system =)

wish he'd do that on the Leno show


He really DOES have AHBD.

Ah yes, Adorable Huggable Boy Disorder. You can tell from his face.

Must've come back

Only a matter of time until chip ruins it

What a sweet boy.

Sweater boy cutie.


Question is, who is that leggy broad sitting next to him? A tranny or Sam's mom?

Annnnd here come the broth jokes.

Sweater boy cutie!

I like Pictures of Jimmy. You don't have to witness his stupid blinky blinky eyes.

He looks like he has aids and is wasting away.

Who is this sweet boy?? I want to donate to his charity


Do you think he's telling stories about trolling for big clit ?
