Podcast intro music?

1  2013-12-23 by Puhfjc

Can anyone tell me what the song being used for the into on the podcast is?

It doesn't sound like the Rolling Stones or the rage against the machine songs they use on the live show. I would link a YouTube clip but the intro has been cut out on all of them. It's the music that's playing when the voice over says "this, is the opie and anthony podcast".


I hope you're asking so you can go beat whoever wrote it. Fucking awful.

Awful? Surely it's not as bad as awful, as long as it's not papa roach it can't be that bad!

Probably a bit of a long shot, but you could try contacting Troy about it. Pretty good odds that he's the one who put it together.

It's a podcast, they can't use commercial music like they would during a radio show. Pretty sure that's just filler music, possibly created by Troy.

Actually you're wrong about not being able to use commercial music on a podcast, as Jay Mohr's podcast opening is Unchained by Van Halen.

If you license it, anything is possible.

The podcast is owned by SiriusXM so whatever they have rights to use the podcast can use. I guarantee its a real song but its some shitty "butt rock" tune that nobody cares about. Also I promise Troy didn't make it because it doesn't have some dubstep techno trash blaring all over it and I don't think Sam is THAT much of a faggot so it must have been Sal.

No. That's not how all content licensing works.

But you may be right that it's a real tune that nobody cares about.

You're correct that you can use commercial music on a podcast, and there are many that do that, but just because Sirius owns the podcast does not necessarily grant the licensing rights for all music available on Sirius on every platform. I don't think they've done a music break on the podcast yet, and you might have noticed that there is no interstitial music between segments (other than this generic rock music at the beginning and end).

I'm pretty familiar with content licensing for production purposes, and I have had to go through the process in the past for music/video/images/etc. For instance, Viacom owns MTV and VH1, stations that are one the same platform (broadcast TV) but they aren't allowed to use content from one station on another without a whole new agreement being signed, or the first agreement explicitly stating that they can. This podcast is new, so I imagine that a lot of music falls into that category, but not all. Remember when Opie got Erock in trouble for playing the live Lady Gaga appearance from Howard through his phone on air? Things like that happen sometimes.

Also, it's (USUALLY) a headache to use commercial music without paying a lot of money, which is why I assume they just had one of the production guys whip something up. It's easier and cheaper 9 out of 10 times.

Just look at YouTube if you need an example. Many of the videos that are automatically "claimed by the artist" (via algorithm) become unavailable via mobile because of rights issues. Not all of them, but some of them.

TL;DR: It's possible that this is commercial music, however it is not a guarantee merely because Sirius owns the podcast. Different music is licensed for different purposes on different platforms. Also: Your moms box

Good points, touché sir.

No. That's not how all content licensing works.

But you may be right that it's a real tune that nobody cares about.

You're correct that you can use commercial music on a podcast, and there are many that do that, but just because Sirius owns the podcast does not necessarily grant the licensing rights for all music available on Sirius on every platform. I don't think they've done a music break on the podcast yet, and you might have noticed that there is no interstitial music between segments (other than this generic rock music at the beginning and end).

I'm pretty familiar with content licensing for production purposes, and I have had to go through the process in the past for music/video/images/etc. For instance, Viacom owns MTV and VH1, stations that are one the same platform (broadcast TV) but they aren't allowed to use content from one station on another without a whole new agreement being signed, or the first agreement explicitly stating that they can. This podcast is new, so I imagine that a lot of music falls into that category, but not all. Remember when Opie got Erock in trouble for playing the live Lady Gaga appearance from Howard through his phone on air? Things like that happen sometimes.

Also, it's (USUALLY) a headache to use commercial music without paying a lot of money, which is why I assume they just had one of the production guys whip something up. It's easier and cheaper 9 out of 10 times.

Just look at YouTube if you need an example. Many of the videos that are automatically "claimed by the artist" (via algorithm) become unavailable via mobile because of rights issues. Not all of them, but some of them.

TL;DR: It's possible that this is commercial music, however it is not a guarantee merely because Sirius owns the podcast. Different music is licensed for different purposes on different platforms. Also: Your moms box