Jim Norton Is Racist....

2  2013-12-22 by HeyBuddays



You can tell by his cumedy, he LEANS to da right.

Tranny's are a right wing topic.

What utter dreck. Jimmy's comparison makes complete sense because MSNBC fired Alec Baldwin for saying something no worse than what Al Sharpton has said. I would argue that Al has done far worse than Alec has ever thought of doing (stoking racial flames in the Tawana Brawley Case, Crown Heights, and that record store). AB called a vulture scumbag a faggot- a word everyone knows (besides Fez) has a different meaning than just a homophobic slur.

Also, why the fuck does that guy have that many tabs open? Close them!

a word everyone knows (besides Fez & and over half of Reddit) has a different meaning than just a homophobic slur.


a word everyone knows (besides Fez) has a different meaning than just a homophobic slur.

Can you please explain this to me? I should say that the word doesn't offend me, but I always found this to be a weird excuse to use it.

No word offends me at all. I just wanted to point out that our surroundings are exactly the sort the boys rail against day in and day out. Our fellow redditors are the type to squash jokes with, "hate speech."

I'm the same way in terms of not taking offense to anything, but this business that faggot means anything other than a homophobic slur makes no sense to me. Go ahead and use it, but don't pretend it isn't what it is.


This year we saw the word literally change it's definition based on context

This is what I was asking about in my initial question. What did I miss?

It's basically just a vague insult, as in something mean to call someone, like saying, "butthead." I compare it to butthead because that was the go-to insult among me and my friends growing up. "Fag/faggot" was the go-to for many kids, and now that they're adults, they still reach for that word instinctively; because, let's face it, if you're hurling insults, you're basically in 2nd grade mode. not the most socially conscious or responsible mindset, like it or not. Kids that age weren't homophobic, as they didn't really know what homosexuality was. People who cast a blanket over the term and call it homophobic are giving the insulters entirely too much credit.

P.s. no offense to people who actually have butts for heads.

JEem NurTOnE iS RASsiSt..ApreL FolLs

"It's all the white man's fault"

You can also tell he didn't listen to Jimmy talking about it on the radio. His big point was MSNBC would not have fired Martin Bashir had the Alec Baldwin thing happened.

Baldwin got fired and then the network realized they'd be in trouble if they didn't do the same with Bashir. The ONLY reason Bashir didn't just get a suspension was because Baldwin got fired.

"Jim Norton is Racist"

"[White folk, black folk]."

"They takin' Al Sharpton out of context!"

[Takes Lil' Jimmy out of context]

"White people will defend [fellow white people] no matter what."

"I still don't think [the Tawana Brawley case] is a lie"

Modern political correctness, ladies and gentlemen.


"Alec Baudman."

Is that Ice T?


Ice Cuuuuuuuueeeee actually

Can someone give a synopsis of the video.

I have zero patience to hear this drivel piece of shit.

Ooogaaa Booga. Da white man be keepin me down! Where be my welfare check.

this guy sounds like a black version of Ant.

Redundant much?

All i could notice watching that video was the top video on the side is "Why comedian Jim Norton loves Golden Showers"

Anyone that thinks Brawley wasn't lying has no credibility.

Serious comments only.

Hell is listening to this in one headphone and Jim "Lets Talk About the Issues" Norton in the other.

and so what if he is?


That's just sad.

Can somebody please post links of Jimmy not being racist on his youtube channel? He literally said that he believes the Annita Brown thing.

Why post this here and get that moron youtube hits?

Because it's funny?

Aice Cyab!

Tranny's are a right wing topic.
