
7  2013-12-21 by thegrape29

Do you think Opie and Anthony contribute financially to Bobo?

He's provided so many laughs over the years and has provided so much to the show. I know his family has been in some financial trouble in the past year. I'd like to think that O&A help out here and there.


I hope they have, and I hope we never hear about it.

Unsubstantiated, but I do.

It came up at WNEW that they used to give Patti money all the time behind the scenes - I'd assume it goes on fairly regularly with the inner-circle weirdos.

Yeah, they've given him free radios and subscriptions before. And Opie has occasionally referenced buying him dinner at FH. I wouldn't be surprised if they threw him some bucks here and there.

Isn't he getting like 1,000 for the comedy tour.

I think they take care of him as well. I would hope, for all the abuse he gets as well as the amount of show content he has provided

Just talking to him is charity.

Sam pointed out on the aftershow "uh oh, Opie is writing checks". Who dat asked for one but was denied.

This... Every staff member got a check and I assume all the dopes in the studio got a little taste too

of course he does, you know they gave him some money for christmas, i guarantee the boys have hearts of gold but thats not good for their radio persona.

Now that he and Colin have the bus tour, I'm sure his situation has changed significantly.

He must be practically a millionaire from that.

When Opie was getting shit about the whole cake stomping video he mentioned they gave homeless Andrew hundreds of dollars and even bought him a new coat. So I would like to think they toss Bobo a couple bills every now and then.

Not directly to Bobo. He thinks Anthony makes $1000 a year remember? Probably give him an envelope to take home to his mom.

I just thought about how the guys always point out how slow Bobo seems but yet he always manages to navigate through New York City

He just lacks certain skills that most of us take for granted.

Like a concept of money.

He has a good memory, so reading a map and remembering addresses probably isn't a big deal for him.

He catches like two trains and a bus, fuck that shit

He destroyed at the end of the show

Absolutely. They're very generous off the air.

Who was feeding Bobo those lines on Fridays show?

the half nigger

I think Sam gives him most of them.

A lot of people were saying it was mostly Colin that show, I'd imagine it was him and Sam if that was the case.

I think they used their connections to get Bobo his dream job with the Mets.

Bobo could be the traveling secretary for the Mets. But he'd probably screw up and book them at a Ramada in Milwaukee.

i'm sure o&a and jimmy all help him out and treat bobo entirely different off air. i'd even throw colin quinn in there. bobo is an adult but he's still mentally disabled and taken care of by his mother. despite all the horrible shit they do and say to bobo he still comes back on. which leads me to believe they help bobo and his family out in ways we can't fathom. bobo's done a lot for the show. from what i can tell ant especially is close to his family. i'm sure o&a, jimmy, and colin all help out however they can.

Maybe Kenny or someone has. I feel like if the guys were personally helping out Bobo then that would make it too personal. Makes it harder to mentally torture and humiliate a middle aged retarded fellow when you view them as a human being and have cared for them.


Isn't he getting like 1,000 for the comedy tour.

I think they take care of him as well. I would hope, for all the abuse he gets as well as the amount of show content he has provided