Ant squashing a few rumors.

69  2013-12-21 by [deleted]


The "no fucking way" regarding Ellis makes me happy.

I don't have enough up votes to give you. That guy tried SO hard. I still love that episode where they had him on remotely and Jim Jeffries in studio, and Jim blows up afterwards on how awful he is.

I need to hear this on YouTube!


haha ive never heard jeffries go off like that, he was so disgusted by ellis's stupid energy

I'd like to hear this too.

He has his own channel now. Why would he take a step down and work on someone else's channel??

Just on the internet player. Not on car units lol

I liked this so much you get gold. Merry Christmas.

Wow, thanks. Who'd have guessed thinking Ellis stinks would pay off?

Thank god on all of those answers.

A-fucking-men, hate all three of those options.

Fuckin Cumia


Everyone knows its going to be a four hour bobo and david show.

Quite the step down from the seven and a half hour David and Bobo show, no?


Surely the O&A channel will just be O&A replays?

a) Sirius are cheap fucks, no-one is going to pay for a new show.

b) Four hour show, four hour time difference, means a replay starting straight away is morning drive for Los Angeles. The show is going to be a media destination after all, Tim wants LA showbiz weasels to have better visibility of the boys.

c) Why would O&A put up competition against R&F. Listen to O&A in the morning Ronnie and Pepper in the afternoon, just like now.

4 timezones, 3 hour time difference

Unless the boys will be broadcasting from a barge in the ocean so the show will start 6 am Atlantic Standard time

a) Sirius are cheap fucks, no-one is going to pay for a new show.

You really are drinking the koolaid.

He is kind of right, how many new shows have you heard on Sirius/XM? It's not like they are hiring regular radio people left and right to do new shows.

On the 'talk' stations? Lots of them.

If they were so cheap, 'the boys' would be long gone. They are getting paid quite well to call it in.

Like what shows seriously haven't had XM in 3 years covino and rich elliis? One of those talk stations was controlled by clear channel and played all these talk shows from Orlando FL but they pulled that station a few weeks ago

I've been listening to the show since they started with XM many moons ago, but I've somehow missed the boat on the Jason Ellis hate-train.
I know he's been a guest on the show before, and he has his own show which I've listened to occasionally (not really my cup of tea), but is there a particular reason everyone dislikes him? Is it the ego?

He and Sam got into it at one point I believe.

Ellis's show was no worse than some of their other weekend crap.

His passive-aggressive backhanded complaints/compliments about Sam made me hate the guy instantly. And I'm not Sam's biggest fan by any means...

Ellis' show was legitimately good a few years ago.

It really went downhill.

YES. I know. Sam seems like he is getting the slot based on his excitedness. MAYBE SAM IS GOING TO AFTERNOOONS!@??!?!?

I KNOW I'm going to get downvoted for this, but DAE think Sam "Primetime Sam" Roberts is the most talented broadcaster in broadcast history?!?!?!?!?!?

I agree with you but you asked for downvotes so I downvoted you.

Sammy sweetheart the effin Roberts. Most talked about man this season. Professional broadcaster, professional cat advisor, professional videographer and professional retard wrangler. Known as @notsam because he is not Sam, he is beyond his namesake.

Larry is not welcome here.

Cow Head was up in NYC for a while and made an appearance on YKWD podcast. Do the boys like him?

Yeah, O&A are on good terms with Cowhead. I'm sure part of it has to do with the bad blood between Bubba and Cowhead. Enemy of my enemy...

Cowhead is a ratings monster down in Tampa. I don't think the tightwads when it comes to paying radio guys in SiriusXM could possibly pay him enough money to give up his lucrative gig.

I'm just happy that is sounds like Sam won't be getting a 4 hour shift. His hour show is just fine. His interviews are very solid. His interaction with SiriusXM personalities that drop by his show is top notch. Just listen to his podcast. It's death. He struggles to fill time with interesting commentary in riffing on just one or two topics. And it hasn't gotten any better in the past year or two. So, he's better off in an hour or two segment.

I expect them to just rerun O&A all day long, like they do with Howard's show. But if they got whacky, they could have 2 or 3 shows to fill R&F spot. Give Sam two hours. Give Davey Mac his sports show 2 hours. Maybe experiment with guest shows or hosts one day a week (Friday), like with Roland's Food Court or a two hour Weird Medicine or a live YKWD show.

O&A have known of Cowhead since they first came to XM he was one of the ones they were doing the golden ticket thing with.

If it was Sam with someone else I think it could work. He can be very entertaining with someone else around (much like when he's on the main show).

sam with dave and/or whodat. book it!

Back when O&A first started on XM Cowhead was one of the people they were going to give a show to (golden ticket) His show is good I enjoyed it when I lived in FL

What about Weird Medicine? I seem to recall the guys saying something about Dr. Steve having meetings or something when he was up.

Jesus no

Probably meetings for his weekend show, doubt the guy would give up being a doctor which I'm sure he makes a shit ton of money doing to do a radio show where he will get paid peanuts.

You're probably right. I'm just trying to think of something. Hey, maybe YKWD? Bobby is in West Chester and with the baby maybe a steady gig would be appealing.

That wouldn't be bad don't like YKWD nowadays because there are 50 people on the show but if it were just him Joe D and Monster voice I would dig it. Either way anything is better then repay after replay. I'm sure some people benefit from the multiple replays but I think it's stupid since you can listen on demand or download from any of the dozen pirate sites.

I've been out of the country and don't have the internet feed, can someone fill me in on what's going on?

Fez had a complete on-air mental breakdown.

As part of the downstream impact of that, they are "rebooting" the Ron and Fez show and moving it to the Rawdog comedy channel.

This free's up their slot on the O&A channel and folks are speculating as to what will move into that timeslot.

Damn, I'm curious to listen to that mental breakdown.

I wanted Sam and Dave in the open slot. :( Could Dave still get it? Because that's the more important part to me, honestly. Nothing against Sam but I hear him as fourth mic all the time. I only hear Dave a couple of times a week. But if Sam isn't getting it, and Pepper is staying with Ron and Fez, who would Dave cohost with?

Didn't ESD leave R&F over money ? I don't see the company changing their mind to give him more money a few years later.

If he was going to cohost a daily show, of course he would get more money than when he was a producer. There's going to be someone getting a pay raise/new person on the payroll no matter what (unless there's no new show at all). Dave is probably on the cheaper side of things. But I'm sure SXM want a bigger name in that spot. If they left choosing the show up to O&A, Dave could be possible. It's looking unlikely though.

I would accept ESD in that slot only if there were no mics in the studio.

The man is bereft of talent.

Fuck off

You get down voted for any anti Dave comment, no matter how correct you are.

I guess that's what I get for going on the line with something Opie said.

If his Jan 1st tweet was a joke, I don't know what the punchline was. The dumbfuck.

Yeah, I wouldn't forget that he's contractually obligated to not let any real info out.

But I am amazed those posts didn't devolve into racial hatred.

He's gotta mix it up everyone in a while, Black people tweets, pictures of cats, more blacks, few tweets about the show and back to blacks.

I still think Sam is getting the open spot.

Me too. My guess is the Bob, Sam and sometimes Whoo Kid show.

you mean who dat?

jeeze people here hate Rogan and Ellis? do you guys listen to anything besides O&A?


No one mentioned him but you. And Ellis is a tool.

people dont hate rogan, he's just an unfunny ufc bro dude who is one of those annoying stoners who got into weed in the past couple years and thats all they talk about, and his show is a drone fest.

and idk why we hate ellis, but sam will get a show and they will go to afternoons, ant is clearly mad about it since he's being defensive and throwing insults at people who bring it up, you guys act like ant has a say in what they do.

I'm guessing rogan again :shrug:

Terrific. Four hours of UFC jive.

UFC and drugs maaaan

"I am like water..."


I don't mind Bro Brogan, but there's no way he leaves California.

No way he leaves CA and no way he wants to make the time commitment to something like his own show. (Kevin Smith, on the other hand, has expressed interest in doing radio- tho I'm not sure what he's been up to lately)

Rogan's podcast is much less interesting when you realize it's 99% pot induced babbling.

rogan isn't going to do a show on the O&A channel. He talks about the freedom he has doing a podcast all the time why would he sign a contract that will restrict his freedom. I could see them paying to air his podcast but who knows if that would work since he dosen't do 5 podcasts a week and they would blow through his back catalog in a year or so.


Jim said on Marc Maron's podcast two weeks ago that he was done doing radio. Doubt he would work with Sirius again since they just took away his old show didn't offer to renew him or anything.

The Jim Breuer Jesus and Family Show

Me too. My guess is the Bob, Sam and sometimes Whoo Kid show.

His passive-aggressive backhanded complaints/compliments about Sam made me hate the guy instantly. And I'm not Sam's biggest fan by any means...