This fuckin Di guy is a fuckin asshole

7  2013-12-20 by RzK

Why doesn't this guy get a fuckin job and get off his ass for once. He's the laziest fuckin guy i've ever seen, fuck that Di guy


what was sadder, the ‘professional‘ comedian getting owned by a couple of old dummies, or that he tried to save face two more times and still failed?

No one fucks with Marion

Seriously. When a retarded woman takes you down with an general observation on your career?

I hope they have them both in-studio next time.

It got ruined by them figuring out who it was, then first time he did it was fucking hilarious.

then first time he did it was fucking hilarious

Yep but like everything Levy does he drives it into the ground until it's not funny anymore and sad to hear him doing it.

I was so happy Marion shit on Levy. His bit is already old and I've heard it for a total of 4 minutes

The best part is that Levy actually went on the defensive when she said something about him not having gigs. He is that fucking stupid.

It seems like Bob Levy doesn't understand the show. I wonder why they keep putting him on. He tends to bring the show to a hault. Or is that the bit?

Howard told Di it was Levy.

Congratulations. You are now as creative and funny as Bob Levy. Now hang yourself.

HE IS Bob Levy...