Ronnie B says he will finally announce what fez gave him for xmas

29  2013-12-20 by Rob_Empire

He's now announcing it and bringing a picture of it in for the first show on raw dog.


Ronnie is gonna say, "the gift Fezzy got me was..." end of show sounder

A mold of his asshole.

A blowjob while he was sleeping.

My guess is that there never was a gift. This is a work. We are all rubes.

My guess is that Fez had some sort of painting commissioned where he and Ron are sitting together on a picnic blanket or in a rowboat on a small lake with Fez holding a parisol over his shoulder. Something that would have been romantic to our grandparents.

You got Ronnie looking one way, Fezzie looking the other...and then you got Pepper in the middle going "What do I know?"

I think he already said it's not a picture and he wishes it was because that pales in comparison i guess.

Someone asked if it was a dual cemetery plot with fez and he said he wishes it was that instead what he gave him.

A dual plot? It could be a single plot with one on top of the other.

Whatever it is hasn't been touched since he put it down when fez gave it to him...

the bag of toenails

Clippings of Ron's hair that Fezzy cut off in Ron's sleep, while sobbing.


Ope mentioned thinking it was a promise ring. I think that's gotta be damn close. Friends forever charm bracelets? Tattoo of Ron's face? Something personalized

Nope he said it wasn't that either

a promise ring really does sound like something fez would get.

My guess has always been a Kama Sutra book.

I've given up trying to figure it out

its probably a love letter or something

Hmmm... something that's "too much" ... kind of creepy... made Ronnie uncomfortable, but still real enough that Fez gave it to Ron.

I'm guessing it's a painting of the two of them together.

Oh what date?

I think they come back january 6th

Oh god, it's gonna be the radio version of the Marlon Brando pic...

so much for the new show having a different tone, the first episode is going to be about how much of a creep fez is.

Ron said its been in the same spot for since fez gave it to wasn't ever touched again.

Its most definitely a jar of Fez' semen.

Maybe he put something in Ron?

I listen to O&A regularly but I really don't listen to Ron and Fez much. I catch some clips on youtube now and then. Are they more of a "fake" radio show or are they actually as dysfunctional as it comes across? To me the whole Fez going crazy thing felt like a routine but I haven't listened enough to know.

Pretty dysfunctional. Its been going on for awhile now.

You should listen to some of the older Ron & Fez episodes. They used to be an amazing show. Fez used to be brilliant! I can promise you, they aren't cruel enough to fake something like this for this long.

Pretty dysfunctional. Its been going on for awhile now.

Ron said its been in the same spot for since fez gave it to wasn't ever touched again.

You should listen to some of the older Ron & Fez episodes. They used to be an amazing show. Fez used to be brilliant! I can promise you, they aren't cruel enough to fake something like this for this long.