Today is my last day, so I just wanted to say...

214  2013-12-20 by stevenknight

Thank you for sharing my uploads to make my channel as popular as it is with almost 9,000 subscribers, over 5 million views and over 700 uploads in just 9 months. They've been featured in news articles, hugely popular websites, tweeted by the hosts, spread around like wildfire after big events (Ron shouting at Fez, Jenna Jameson interview, Troy vs Zito fight), played back on the show itself and posted in this subreddit. So, yeah, I guess that's it. It's been fun.






And enjoy the jean shorts.


Say it.


YOUR MOM'S ......

Love ya miss ya sk



Thanks for all the work SK you've never let us down, unlike our parents, teachers, general role models etc.

Gotta ask? What is bringing you to an end?

EDIT: If Sam has any balls he will mention you somehow tomorrow.

We really should find a way to get SK mentioned on tomorrow's show.

Dude for over a year your posts filled in the weekends when I had nothing to do, thanks a lot man.

edit apparently only 9 months hahaha

EDIT 2 As a sign of my appreciation I screen-shotted your comment and link karma when they were exactly the same... A rare phenomenon...PCE SK

Here's your hat, what's your hurry

Why doesn't my "the pope wrote cunt" flair show up anymore? :(

Goodnight sweet Prince.

You're a good egg. Because of your specific uploads, I've been able to get about a half dozen people into the show in the past couple of months. Best of luck to you in your future endeavors.

I am a subscriber but do not have additional bundled services like the internet package. So at 10:30am every day at my desk, I visit your site and grab a copy of the show to get me through the rest of my work day. Thanks for the shows.

Goodnight, sweet prince.


Australia thanks you.

Goodnight Sweet Prince.

Thanks Steven. Guys like you are truly irreplaceable in the O&A community. You're a good egg. Thanks buddy.

I really hope someone replaces him soon.

Who are you again?

SK, you're a huge part of me finding O&A. Thanks buddy. You're a sweet boy. Love ya miss ya

Many thanks Steve you are a class act. I'll stay subscribed to go back and watch great moments. Your effort is heatedly appreciated it. "Thank you for your service"

Tough guy

Thank you for the many great uploads, particularly with Jocktober this year. It's always hard to find consistently great and reliable O&A uploaders. This video was my favorite.

love ya miss ya stevey

You are a saint, good sir. May you get every butt-fucking you can wish for.

Best of luck in college friendo

Love ya miss ya.

Heaven must need a show uploader...

Thanks dude.

Good luck to you + a peck on your pecker.

Thank you for your fine service SK. I donated what I could spare, happy new year.

bye now

Thanks man

I work overnights and audible is always fucking up. So, you saved my ass from severe 12 hour boredom many a night.

I thank you for your service.

Thank you, sir.

Good luck with uni.


We'll miss you.

as a broke college student who otherwise would have no morning entertainment, a sincere thank you

What about like, Steven Day or sumpthin'? Tssssss...

I can't fucking believe you didn't sign off in the right O&A way. Say it god damnit.

thank you, kind sir.

Thank you man. Your dedication and reliability has been unreal.

your a good shit

Quitter....jk thanks for all the time you put it.

What everybody else has said (and will say) goes double for me.

Thank you so much for the uploads Steven. Ive been listening nearly every day since you started uploading. Much love dude!

Nothing different to say from everyone else, but wanted to thank you a ton - listening in the office is much easier on YT than on the app. You're the best daily content provider the show has ever had; you'll be hugely missed.

Thank you sir.


thanks steven!

Thanks Steven, you're a god damn hero.

I'm listening to one of your videos right now while working.

Without you, I would never be able to get through this shit.

Thanks again.


You're the man Steve, thanks so much for everything

Salute my brother in interests. I appreciate the work you did in helping me catch up on the show as well as staying up to date


Thanks for your dedicated hard work.

thank you sir.

Thanks for everything! Add many have said, the shows being broken up by topic has been awesome.. entire shows can be a challenge for us mobile users, especially where copyrighted material is involved. Thanks to you, I might only miss 10-20 minutes of a show, rather than the whole ~4 hours.

Love ya miss ya, mr. Knight!

whos taking the spot of the person whos taking your spot>? can i have a spot? i like spots. TAKE CARE!


Atlanta, thanks. Best way to listen to the show there's ever been, IMO.

You've had a significant impact on the marketing of the show, sir. Arguably more of an impact than SiriusXM itself.

Dare I say you and people like yourself are somewhat responsible for SiriusXM finally agreeing to an O&A Podcast.

No bit in this cynical Pest cesspool right here: Thanks my man.

Thanks for making the show easier to share, good sir. I want to give you a hug, but there's an entire ocean (and restraining order) separating us.

I can handle the plane ticket if you can drop the charges. You know you love me.

god bless

My best friend and I really loved listening to the show via your YT channel every weekday.

Love ya, miss ya. Much appreciated.

Thank you

Thank you Steve .you're a funny fuck and and I couldn't picture this past year without your channel.

greetings from Israel.

Thank you for your Johnny-on-the-spot speed to upload the recent R&F drama content. You have definitely spoiled us over the past year with everything you've contributed. Good luck and Godspeed.

Thanks a ton for your contributions Steve. You helped me through many an Audible fuck up. You are a gem, sir.

gtaj, steven knight, GAY are all my heros! and lets not forget ted who was our fallen soldier this year. your work wasn't forgotten.

thanks for the reliable and rapid uploads. never 4get

I JUST REALIZED SOMETHING SUPER IMPORTANT, I think earlier you asked about requested bits, and I knew there was one I wanted more than anything, but I couldn't remember what. Now I remember.

Can you find the bit where Jimmy does his De Niro impression? Specifically him talking about Cape Fear, and he's like SUCKED MY FINGAS......... SHOULDN'T HAVE EATEN.... PISTACHIOS, HFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

Or maybe a mega mix of all the times he does his De Niro? But just that one bit that's only like 5 minutes, that's all I want. In life. I need to save that to hard drive permanently, I never got the chance.

If you could find that please and thank you it would be so great. Even if you couldn't permanently post it, as long as it was up for a day so I could hear it again.