sounds like the "media destination" shortcut urls failed before the horse even got out the gate. lol.

0  2013-12-20 by [deleted]

when was that, yesterday.. sam's there.. its "theoandashow" on all platforms. Fuck that url looks awful. lol.. you can't tell where one word starts and the next word begins. Looks like the theodore and andy show. And then gregg's there.. um, its supposed to be "opie and anthony" and then he says.. um, no to sam and then grumbles about "we'll discuss this off the air".. hehhh..

So thats the brainchild of who thought "notsam" rocked. Well, "not sam" sucks. Whaddya mean, not sam.. it flunks. So yeah.. dropping the ball off the kickoff with this shit. You'll have some buffoons wondering.. is it "theo&ashow" or is it "theohandashow"?

If you can get verified with it then you should man-up and grab some balls and have them kickout whoever's using "opie and anthony" across all platforms and do things correctly instead of the usual half-assed losing. C'mon ya guys its supposed to be a "media destination". Not the same old bunch of losers like sam, falcone, whats her name and bobo the monkey. Clean up your act instead of the usual losing thats not getting the show famous.


Why don't you relax by making a few more threads bitching about Dennis Falcone?


It's just "OandAShow" Apology accepted (on Sam's behalf)


It's 2013 almost 2014 and they are just getting around to having a web presence. Every time one of these new social networks pop up they should squat the O&A name just incase they ever need it. But the show is lazy they don't even have a website.