Sam's Music Taste

1  2013-12-20 by thebedshow

I don't want to hear Sam talk about music at all, his taste is some of the absolute worst in the universe. Get on a different topic, yea the 80s blows but Sam's opinion on music is irrelevant. I normally love listening to the After Show, but listening to his worthless take on music is mind numbing.


Sam is a typical black teenager. Treat him as such.

Never take Sam seriously. Everything that comes out of his mouth is some kind of bit. Unless it's a penis after he swallows.

You're talking about a guy who doesn't even appreciate the most basic of joys like good food or drinks, why would he have a taste in music beyond the generic crap he's being served on radio/TV. He's a mundane boob. If you asked him about art he would probably bring up wrestling.

ya I mean Jay Z is so washed up and he STILL sucks his dick at every turn

His love for Lady Gaga and Beyonce are much worse imo, they are fucking awful generic pop. Beyonce plays to the most mindless of douche bags, just saying the exact same things over and over

I hate lady gaga's gimmicky horse shit but as a musician myself I at least respect that she writes her music, writes her lyrics, and does choreography. Beyonce just has writers, and producers making her everything. But ya him pumping them up is annoying.

Ghrrrnt. What is he eatin' songs or sumpthin?

[Click, Click]

Homerun. Chipperson.


I know.

none of them have any good taste, and sam is the worst, he has the taste of a 12 year old girl.

"hey young kids i listen to young hip music too!"

Sam and troy are just trying to be hip so they like shit music

as are the boys

Music, the music something about the music