Most Embarrassing Tape Day.... I wish they re did this, Sam's rap makes me sad..

9  2013-12-20 by [deleted]


It's annoying that Roland's most embarrassing tape is a segment all about him on a popular late night tv show. There has to be something better

YES! Plus he's being praised throughout the whole thing and treated better than Jimmy on Leno...

of course why would roland take any heat, he's not apart of the show, he's like a guy that hangs around the hells angels but doesnt get initiated.

Any criticism would be followed by unintelligible mumbling, then the sound of flesh on concrete.

Best part is Jimmy's wheezing squeal during Opie's demo tape (at about here).

Holy shit, thanks for pointing that out ... this is the same laugh that he has when he's tired... and it fucking just makes me lose my mind laughing...

Sam's rap song is the best thing he's ever brought to the show. It's soooooo embarrassing