Who was the bum that sang the heart-wrenching Chrismas carol?

0  2013-12-20 by bigplansisay

The Sleeves conversation got me thinking about the homeless guy who sang a carol and floored everybody but I can't remember who it was or what he sang.


I think it was Joe Cumia


Golden buns had the greatest voice ever "If you love my body and you think I'm sexy..."

He had a great line that killed me at the time that I can't remember, he was saying something in his gravelly voice and then all of a sudden got really fruity and it just destroyed everyone in the room. I wish I could remember what it was.

God damn tippy tom was the best

Was it Silent Night? Might have been Ziggy. I could very likely be wrong.

That sound right. I forgot ziggy's name but that sounds familiar.

Man if Sleeves brings Anthony down, that might put him over the edge.

Graywolf and homeless mustard are the only two bums who sang decent songs. My moneys on graywolf.

The one year during the HSS, I remember them making a big deal out of Greywolf singing a song called "Shelter Me"

And I found the audio!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZy51BrpYjQ

Sherwin ''Sleeves'' AKA The Shepherd of Leaves

No, it was a different guy. An actual homeless person with a very high voice.