FUCK Ari Shaffir he fucking SUCKS.

0  2013-12-19 by [deleted]

Does anyone actually find this cunt funny? Verbose idiot. Ughh, he stinks.

inb4 he replies and thinks it's interesting in the least. You fucking SUCK, ari, you doucher.


Thread made by Ari Shaffir himself to see if he is loved or hated?

He's fucking hilarious. His CD and special are ridiculously good. His podcast is awesome. He's honest about everything he thinks too. And the this is not happening shit that he puts out on YouTube with other comics is great. I fucking love Ari.

I don't know does anyone find him funny? He's only been a touring comic for what the past... decade or more? I guess you're right no one finds him funny. He's so unfunny that he's one of the most requested new comics on the show. He was able to make the move from LA to NYC and still do comedy. I would say that makes him funny. You may not like him but that doesn't mean he isn't funny you retarded cunt. With your logic the guy at the end of the bench in the NBA sucks, right? There's a lot of comics I don't find particularly funny but I wouldn't say they suck. Not everyone is my style. By the way how's your career in stand up coming along? Oh wait...

EDIT: Oh yeah... he's sooooooo unfunny that Carlos Mancia was making millions of dollars a year and got caught stealing jokes from Ari. Normally unfunny comics aren't stolen from especially from someone who had there own show on comedy central (mancia).

Ari is awesome.

Anyone willing to put their dick close to Stalker Pattys face is A-OK in my book.

Too much of a smarmy jew for my tastes.

It's pronounced "shmarmy", duuuuude.


I think the word you're looking for is Shwarma.

leaul, you are an antisemite.