Listening to O&A (& Jim & Sam) discuss Free Speech is . . .

0  2013-12-19 by gsbird1065

. . . embarrassing.



Because they seem unable to grasp the simplest of principles; for example, that A&E might not want to associate itself with that old retard and his 'Old Time Gospel Hour' Social commentary.

There's also the fact that the 7th-grade level of their argument ("This is what most of middle-America believes" . . . as if that should matter) is a direct reflection not only of how little they understand the underlying issues, but how little they've ever wanted to understand them.

Your understanding of free speech is pathetic. We understand that you want everyone in society to be ecstatic and proud that you take your pals cock in your shitter.

Interesting response. . . . and why do you assume that I'm wired that way, genius?

You aren't exactly hiding it. Look theres nothing wrong with that. There is something wrong with you using your victim card to vindictively and maliciously ruin the livelihood of religious people.

Wrong on all counts, chief.

I guess we will just have to agree to disagree then.

So you are happy he was suspended and people are out for blood over what he personally believes in?

A&E is under no obligation to give him a platform

He said that in a magazine interview. They don't talk about anything like that on the show.

Forcing A&E to employ someone is infringing on A&E's freedom

Who said that?

Well I took it from the context of the discussion that you are opposed to the Duck guy getting suspended.

They certainly won't now . . .

Put it this way: I'd prefer he were suspended/fired over those remarks than given a raise and a better time-slot over them.

Opie and Anthony say worse things every few minutes on a daily basis. Do you want O&A to be fired?

Ant's racist tirades are pretty disturbing . . . largely because I find it less and less easy to convince myself that he doesn't actually mean them . . . and if SiriusXM were to give him the boot on that basis, I could understand it.

I've never heard anyone else on the O&A show say anything close to it, however.

Then you aren't paying attention.

Give me an example (seriously)

WTF kind of answer is that?


An accurate one.

Are you retarded? Who said anything about getting a raise. Wait why am I even talking to you.

Oh, I'm just comparing what A&E is doing to what 'most of middle America' would do.

They are saying being offended goes both way. What this guy said offends you. While someone far left ripping up a picture of the pope and mocking religon offends other people.

It offended me too (20 years ago). There's nothing worse than hacky, formless, agit-prop.

Besides, when she was boo'ed off the stage at the Bob Dylan retrospective whatsis a few weeks later, she'd already surrendered all right to complain about it.

Reddit liberals are the worst. DAE think christians and republicans are the devil?!?! Mom can I have more money for books and my tuition went up again make sure you pay it thnx!

I'm not a Liberal.

Speaking in general here

Well considering you get offended by an opinion that's not in line with the gay agenda and you have no regard for freedom of speech it was a pretty safe assumption.

try being less edgy

Join us in your pajamas and a nice hot cocoa while we discuss what is edgy.

They are saying being offended goes both way. What this guy said offends you. While someone far left ripping up a picture of the pope and mocking religon offends other people.