Joe Rogan makes Stalker Patti believe she's high

22  2013-12-19 by RzK


Anyone got a timestamp for when Rogan says "shit on her" and proceeds to lose it?


Loved that part too

Thank you!
Holy shit it got me again, im in fuckin tears

"pair of moons"

my favorite part is Jimmy's high laugh

Yah this on the best of O&A on itunes. couldn't believe this was so easy to do.

Link for those that care:


Is there a video of this?

Oh look more funny stuff that has nothing to do with neither Opie nor Anthony aside from it being their show. Now tell me how you love O&A and how funny they are because Louis CK called Donald Rumsfeld a lizard.

Well most of us listen for the comedy, and aren't pretending Opie, Ant and Jim are our best friends like you do. Instead of waiting all day for the next show, why don't you go stalk Bjork, faggot.

Already deleted your throwaway? Who's the faggot now.
