Anyone have audio of the whole Troy Quan / Zito / Fez saga? All I can find is a 2 minute clip of the fight.

12  2013-12-18 by Biff_Bifferson

NiceBreakfast provided the links:

The after show fight:

Ron and Fez that day:


It was mentioned on the show today that Troy Quan is still not allowed on air and that whole situation is a sore spot for Sirius XM. It's doubtful you'll find it on YouTube anytime soon. Zito had one taken down and Sirius XM had others taken down. However,the Audible version is uncut. The whole incident took place on the July 30th 2013 show and the show discusses the incident (and the Fez stuff) on the July 31st 2013 show.

It was mentioned on the show today that Troy Quan is still not allowed on air and that whole situation is a sore spot for Sirius XM.

That's good to hear, actually, since it means he could still be fired for this episode.

We're all better off not having Quantum on air

here ya go

it begins with the end of the ICP interview on the shit show.

NICE! Thanks bud. I don't suppose you have the ron and fez show from that day?

Damn son, you are the shit. I posted your links in the topic above.

My teeth are dry with happiness.

Where's the clip?

Zito was sending YouTube copyright infringement requests over the clips right after it happened, so I don't if any are currently up.

or someone

Frigging Narc Zito had them taken down.

Narc Zito is a different person.

if anyone remembers the exact date, i can get it...

Jaosn Ayeiter said

The whole incident took place on the July 30th 2013 show and the show discusses the incident (and the Fez stuff) on the July 31st 2013 show.

When I said saga, I heard there was discussion about it on the aftershow and on Ron and Fez - there's a 20 min youtube clip of O&A talking about the incident, and a 2 minute excerpt of the fight, but that's all.


I edited this for typos and read it and realized...I used to look down on people for watching celebrity news and watching shows like Keeping up with the Kardashians.......I have become what I have always hated.




07/30/13. Warning: posted the R&F clip aftermath on my channel the same day & was copyright flagged by an account named Mark Zito, day after. User wouldn't lift the strike until I pledged not to upload again. Recommend you just find the AO&AL clip stream for listening only.

I am at work; youtube is blocked so I can't confirm but this may be what you're looking for.

thats just them talking about it

Just play that video on repeat.


You didn't miss much. Troy called him a queer or fag or something and offered to whip his ass. Fez got stupid, said he felt "threatened". Troy was banned from the air. He talks about it on the Bob Kelly podcast.

Way to downplay it and lay the blame off on Fez Whatley, whose only misstep in that entire episode was asking SiriusXM executives to not suspend/fire that homophobic jizzbag.

It had nothing to do with Fez. Troy repeatedly said he loved him and meant nothing against him. The vitriol was all directed at Zito. Fez should have stayed out of it.

But if you're going to say that it was just between Zito and ToyClown, then O&A (though let's be serious for a moment; we all know it was more O than A) should have kept their mouths shut as well and let SiriusXM handle it.

And wouldn't it be accurate to say that it was more (much more) than vitriol?

You're not making a fair comparison. Troy had a bit with Zito - not Fez. Why did Fez have to pipe up that he felt threatened and uncomfortable around Troy? Let these two dummies have their bit on the air and leave it at that. Look at Ron, he just lets the magic happen. He's brilliant. All O&A did was comment on the bit after the fact. I can't see any of the 3 guys blurting out during the confrontation that Troy was going too far or Zito is this or that and they don't like him. Like Ronnie B, they would have just let it unfold.

I don't think it was more than vitriol. Troy didn't attack Zito without provocation, if I recall. How could it be (much) more than that? I'm willing to read your argument with an open mind, but let's be fair. I have nothing against Zito and no reason to back Troy. It's entertainment - nothing more.


The word homophobic is gay

No, it's English, actually.

Jaosn Ayeiter said

The whole incident took place on the July 30th 2013 show and the show discusses the incident (and the Fez stuff) on the July 31st 2013 show.

When I said saga, I heard there was discussion about it on the aftershow and on Ron and Fez - there's a 20 min youtube clip of O&A talking about the incident, and a 2 minute excerpt of the fight, but that's all.


I edited this for typos and read it and realized...I used to look down on people for watching celebrity news and watching shows like Keeping up with the Kardashians.......I have become what I have always hated.




07/30/13. Warning: posted the R&F clip aftermath on my channel the same day & was copyright flagged by an account named Mark Zito, day after. User wouldn't lift the strike until I pledged not to upload again. Recommend you just find the AO&AL clip stream for listening only.