Need help finding a show...

2  2013-12-18 by Davidbenjen

I'm trying to find the show where Sam admitted all he bought Jess was an A&P gift card (for christmas?)... Anyone have this info?


I've been listening for about 13 months and I heard this so it must've been within the past year

I think Derosa was in.

Perhaps somewhere in this clip?

I know this is the trick shot video... I am not clicking it.

Sometimes you just need to embrace the mystery. Click. Click.

So paranoid... Just click it.

I could be wrong about when the show aired but I could have sworn it was a few years ago, before he and Jess got married.

Took the chance, it's the actual clip :)

No it was after this clip. But they did call Jess to confirm he wasn't fucking with them.

Wasn't this about Sam not buying a new TV?

Yes, but he speaks about his unbelievably cheap ways of living as well

I remember the bit that OP was talking about and it was directly focused for a long time just about the fact that Sam bought his wife groceries as a practical gift. Then I think Derosa came in and tried to defend a little bit but in the end called him a cheap asshole. Could be wrong about the guest, but I know the bit was at least 45 minutes long of Jimmy and Ant calling him out for his gift buying.

ill have it for you, but if you could give me an exact date i can upload it. i would never be able to sift through the audio for it.