Colin and Bobo replacing Ron and Fez?

15  2013-12-17 by UncPa57yrzyng

According to Bobo's twitter, he has been told he and Colin Quinn are replacing Ron and Fez and he's tweeting as if he just won an academy award. I smell a bit.


ohh noo bobo's gonna get a stocking full of disappointment this year auhhlroight

Ugh..doh..i'b told you a billion toimes..bistuh baloonigans is a schnewwdle...

Watch him play it off later...oi-oi-oi knew id wuz a bit...heh heh..

It's from Colin's tweets, so of course it isn't, but I really, really hope this is true.

The only way it wouldn't be true is if O&A are afraid of being upstaged - the same reason a certain Manchester media mogul hasn't been hired as of yet.

Ron and Scorch would be the greatest show in the history of forever.

"What's the color of the day there Scorch?"


"That's PFG there Scorch."

I would love this at first, but I feel like combining Ron and Scorch is like combining filet mignon with rape porn - they're just too different, even though they're both great on their own.


Bobo said he isn't saying anything more(doubt that) until he sees a contract. Yea... its not happening.

They might do a one off show and then leave Bobo thinking its actually going to be a regular thing.

Bobo gets his heart broken - part deux.

I smell a bit.

Do ya?

OP's a real bloodhound.

I think this would legitimately work on a weekly or monthly basis. Colin is the best at poking fun at Bobo without him realizing it. Any chance to get more Colin content is OK with me.

Colin also knows how to setup a joke for someone like Bobo to go in with the killer punchline. Just one of the reasons you can call Colin a comic genius.

Bobo & The 'Tooshe in the Afternoons

Are you retarded?

I would buy a subscription and wake up in the morning just for this

What's the name of the show. " the spectrum bubble with Colin and Bobo"

"Two barely functioning autistics! 11-3 on the Opie & Anthony Channel"

Whatever! He hung out with Colin so I am at least a little jealous of Bobo. Damn I can't believe I just wrote that.

I smell Autism.

i would re-subscribe for this.

When Colin says to Bobo "shut up stupid" he will really mean it.

Does it make you more retarded than Bobo to buy into someone else trolling Bobo? I say yes!

Colin is probably too busy to do a daily radio show. I love Bobo and think he's hilarious when he's on when he talks about his stupid life or his stupid dogs, but 4 hours a day every day? It would wear thin after about 2 days.

If true, poor Colin.


If Bobo said it, it's gotta be true.

Pretty sure it all stems from CQ tweeting a joke and bobo taking it seriously.....its not real probably just something that happened now they are rolling with it to mess with him