Question from a Stern fan trying to broaden his horizon

17  2013-12-16 by [deleted]

I've been a fan of Stern for a long time. Always kinda looked down on O and A. A few times I tried to give them a listen I really couldn't get into it but I didnt put in much effort.

I do like a lot of the comedians they have on their show so I decided to give them another chance. What would you recommend I listen to that would "win me over" ? Is there a funny "best of" that can give me a good introduction to what is going on and turn me into a fan?



Just start with listening to all of Louis CK on O&A. Move on to Patrice, and by than you are a fan.

I had never heard of O&A 2 years ago.

I clicked on a 'recommended video' on YouTube which was CK on O&A. I listened through the playlist of his appearances on YouTube and became a fan of CK.
The couple of Patrice appearances when CK was in introduced me to Patrice so then I listened through his playlist of his appearances on O&A and I became a fan of Patrice.

Before you know it you'll just be a fan of the show.

I think if I had just started listening to the show live I might not have carried on because of all the inside jokes/references/characters that you don't get at first.

I would definitely start with the 'Louis CK on O&A' playlist, it starts around 2006 and will sort of introduce you to the characters of the boys and all the staff as well.

I believe on the podcast there's a best of bill burr, CK and Partrice episodes. Perhaps start there, it's free!

Why are you having him listen to O&A then. Sounds like he should watch Louis & Patrice's stand up specials. Are O&A so bad they can't have a good bit without a comedians help?

Its easier to get into.

Or in other words, the O&A show is funniest when people who aren't O&A are involved. There's a sad reality.

I wouldn't say that, i would say O&A has an amazing show on their own for every patrice/louie/whoever appearance, but its spread out. I wouldn't say all of their shows are great, but you are going too far the other way. I think its easier to start with the ones with great guests than trying to find the shows/bits among the thousands that can hook a non listener.

The show tends to be funnier when they have amazing comedians in the studio.

Its not rocket science you dummy.

If you take an already funny show, and add in some of the funniest people in this country period, you get an even funnier show.

That doesnt mean O&A cant be funny by themselves. if that was true they wouldnt have careers, doofus.

If this is true, why can't they do shows alone? They lean on comics because they HAVE to.

They do shows alone 9 out of 10 times. Its a treat when they get a guest in. Like its supposed to be.

having Jim there is not alone. I'm talking OPIE and ANTHONY.

Patrice on o and a was so different than standup. Way better

youre comment is one of the more gooder-est comments in this thread. you're not even getting the real OnA when they have a guest anyway, they are just riffing and letting the comedians do their things. The real show is when they're just sitting around bullshitting and then throw it to old bitch-tits erock and he's not even listening to the show, or playing sound clips over news stories, ya know shit like that.

the real show is opie, anthony, jimmy, sambo, & erock throwing the ball around.

"throwing the ball around" aka riffing, you fucking numbskull?

the entire show is just people riffing. it just tends to be higher quality riffing when you have some of the best comedians in the business also on the show.

So edgy.

good riff. you should be on da show.


a bad O&A show is better than the jew cunt you listen to


get drunk and listen to the entire tequila and donut Friday show with the debut of the man on the sidebar, dennis falcone. real link not the basketball trick shot

or since you like the comedians, listen to the show where they announce Patrice had the stroke. its sad but hilarious. also not the basketball trick shot

Patrice's announcement really was great, those guys were on point that day.


Tequila & Donut Friday was what absolutely sold me on the show. I'd listened to some of the old stuff and maybe 2 weeks worth of current shows but when that Friday came around I cried with laughter and decided to devote almost 4 hours/day to O&A.

It was magical.


Do what I did a couple of years ago. Just listen for a couple of weeks and don't look back. You'll be sorry you stuck with Stern so long.

his show was great for a long time. just this decade it started to really stink.

This is probably the funniest bit O&A have ever done:


That's an inside joke around here. Here's a link to a thread where people suggested their favourite bits.

I first started listening to clips on YouTube with my favorite comedians. Not sure what your preferences are, but the thing that made me more of an O&A fan was when I stumbled upon my first Jocktober segment. Here's a link to the origin of that segment.

I'd also recommend looking at the classic uploads that Jasonayeiter has on his channel.

Hope you like what you hear.

bro...I'm also a former stern fan (I actually still love the stern show but not the current version of "The Howard Stern Show" hosted by that 70 year old jewish woman)

anyway- I started wetting my toes with O and A by listening to a bunch of Jocktobers and from there I just started loving the show and listen to it everyday on Sirius

The podcasts are a good start, they're basically "best of's". On youtube Jason A. Yeiter has an amazing channel full of compilations, just listen to whatever sounds interesting on there. Here's a few resources...

Jason A Yeiter

Steven Knight


Be Offended Playlist.. them making fun of retards essentially

And probably my favourite show, Jim Jefferies off his face on ecstasy and alcohol abusing a softcore porn star..

Jim Jefferies vs Justine Joli

listen to anything involving Patrice or the Tippy Tom podcast that came out not too long ago.

Tippy Tom yelling about Barry Manilow's dog was stuck in my head this weekend.

"...He got a beagle named Bagel..." RIP you stinky bum.

Uncle Paul was the one that "lured me in." Jimmy doesn't do him as much now that Opie has kids but man, that was some sick, hilarious shit.

Youre not the only one Uncle Paul lured in. Did you at least get a little turkey-foot action?

Let me preface this by saying that I've listened to OnA going on 15 years now (since late 2000,) and my favorite shows are the one's where there's no guests, nothing planned, and you get the true show. I wouldnt suggest listening to best-of's or youtube clips and I'll tell you why.

Say youre like a Sam Roberts (OnA producer) and you hate eating steak, so youre going to give steak a try. So you go to the best steakhouse on the planet and eat theirs and you love it. Now you try your hand at making your own steak at home, and well, you see where I'm going, youre going to be disappointed because you've had the best already.

If you're going to listen to Opie and Anthony, just start listening. There's no starting point to begin at, there's no Season 1 on Netflix, there's no intro course, etc; Don't listen to Loius CK or Patrice and think this is how the show goes. Being a real long-time listener I'll tell you that youre just listening to those comedians do their thing, and its not indicative of the regular show they have every day.

You're a howard listener, would you tell people to start listening to howard's celebrity interviews to get a grasp of the real show? No way. Howard's show is at it's best when its a cluster fuck and the staff is going at each other. (ive listened to howard over a decade and that's my opinion.)

I'm a true fan of OnA and lil jimmy, meaning I love them the most. Sure i like when the regular comedians appear on the show, but I love to hear about the inner workings of the show, what happened to them over the weekend, their complaints, etc; They are the show, not the guests.

just pick a day and start listening, give them about two weeks. If you're not a fan by then, then they probably arent for you. If you decide you just like the guests, there are plenty of outlets available for you to get just those parts, ie; best-of's, podcast, youtube etc;

One good thing about OnA, the self-proclaimed "workhorses of Sirius-XM", that you'll love, they are on monday through friday every week. One thing to note, is that they will be gone alot this month with the holidays, but come january they'll be back in the saddle again, bringing you the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Search Jocktober on youtube.

Also, the "Patrice O'neal on Opie and Anthony" collection on youtube is great. Start listening around #60, before that the shows start to seem a little dated. You can and will eventually go back and listen to them all.

Stern rocked mid 90s. O&A rock now. They leave Sirus/XM I will prob drop my sub

Listen to clips of Louis CK on OA, youtube search for a taste of them in the past.

Their hands look like Guns, Little Girl vagina smell, Are You a Lizard?

Then for a semi-current look,

The Gay Off event, in which fans and an intern Sal do gay shit with a gay-stripper for a prize of $1,500.


Jocktober any year.

stern lol

I became a fan of O and A back in the WNEW days. My buddies were talking about them, and at the time I was like why do I want to listen to a bunch of Howard Stern clones? However, slowly but surely, I started liking them better. For me there wasn't a magical moment, but I feel that over time they just proved to be the better show. I don't even listen to Howard and I haven't in years, but from what I gather, Howard's show focuses on the woes of being an ultra-rich, mainstream celebrity. I don't begrudge Howard his success, but I don't really relate to it, so 4 hours of it is a bit much for me.


Pick a comedian you like and listen to their appearances, Louie CK has been on the show over 50 times and the appearances are all on YouTube in order. Patrice O'Neal, Bill Burr, Colin Quinn, Patton Oswalt, Nick Dipalo, all have there's up too.

the free podcasts give you a good taste, the most recent homeless shopping spree 2006 one is really good.

Any Louis CK or Patrice ones (there are tons). Shows with Joe Rogan are great as well.

Tequila and Donut day is great, it has a randomness that's O&A's specialty.. it's basically a 3 hour long bit. Much different flow than most Stern shows had. Probably my favourite show they did and it's from this year.

Some people are on the fence but I love jocktober. Any of the Scott & Todd ones are great as well any 'The Bee Morning Coffee Club' ones. They destroy Terry, one of the hosts, really brutally.

Box of Cox is pretty amazing.


All the Louis CK appearances are great. I would suggest starting with Suck Cock for K Rock. All the Patrice shows are great, as are any with Colin Quinn, Bill Burr, or Jim Jefferies. Once you've gotten through those hundreds of hours of audio, you really can't help being a fan at that point.

Jocktober is a good time

Check out the O&A Egg Nog Drinking Contest on You Tube.